47 Such Joy in Church Life


Brothers and sisters, we’ve come before God.

Eating and drinking His words is such a joy.

You share experiences, I share my knowledge.

We help each other.

The more we fellowship God’s words, the more we understand,

enlightened by the Holy Spirit.

We understand the truth, reflect upon ourselves,

see our corruption and flaws.

We pray to God, seek in earnest,

we speak to Him from the heart.

God does not care how deeply we understand the truth;

He is glad as long as we speak what is in our hearts.

The life of the church brings such great joy,

and our lives grow step by step.

Kingdom of Christ is truly our home.

Those who love God will praise Him forever,

praise Him forever and ever!


Brothers and sisters, we’ve come before God.

Eating and drinking His words is such a joy.

We submit to the judgment of God’s words,

and we also accept pruning as well as God’s discipline.

God arranges all manner of people, events, and things

to try and refine our faith.

We understand God’s good intentions,

and that everything He does is to help us attain the truth and life,

attain the truth and life.

The life of the church brings such great joy,

and our lives grow step by step.

Kingdom of Christ is truly our home.

Those who love God will praise Him forever,

praise Him forever and ever!

Through experiencing God’s words

and putting the truth into practice,

we gain more truth and more reality.

We fulfill our duties, give our loyalty,

bearing good testimony to satisfy God’s intentions.

The life of the church brings such great joy,

and our lives grow step by step.

Kingdom of Christ is truly our home.

Those who love God will praise Him forever,

praise Him forever and ever!

Previous: 46 Christ’s Kingdom Is a Warm Home

Next: 49 The Sky Here Is So Blue

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