The Path … (2)

Our brothers and sisters may have some idea of the sequence, the steps, and the methods of God’s work in mainland China, but I still think it is worth looking back over these things or giving you a quick summary. I will just use this opportunity to say what is in My heart, and I shall not speak of matters beyond this work. I hope that the brothers and sisters can understand My mood, and I also humbly request that all those who read My words understand and forgive My small stature, the inadequacy of My life experience, and My inability to hold My head high before God. Still, My sense is that these are but objective reasons. In short, no matter what, no person, event, or thing can stop us from fellowshipping before God, and I hope that our brothers and sisters can join Me in working harder before God. I would like to offer up the following prayer: “Oh God! Please have mercy on us so that I and My brothers and sisters may struggle together under the dominion of our common ideals, be faithful to You until death, and never have any regrets!” These words are My resolution before God, but it could also be said that they are My own motto as a person of flesh who is used by God. I have shared these words in fellowship with the brothers and sisters by My side many times, and I have given them to those alongside Me as a message. I do not know what people think of them, but no matter what, I believe that these words not only have an aspect of subjective effort, but moreover, they also contain an aspect of objective theory. Because of this, it is possible that some people have certain opinions, and it would be well for you to take these words as your motto and see how great your drive for loving God becomes. Some people will develop a certain notion when they read these words, and think: “How could such an everyday, normal thing to say give people a great drive to love God until death? And it has nothing to do with the topic we’re discussing, ‘The Path.’” I acknowledge that these words may not be particularly captivating, but I have always thought that they can lead people onto the right track, and allow them to undergo all kinds of trials along the path of belief in God without losing heart or turning back. This is why I always treat them as My motto. I hope that people, too, will think them over carefully. However, My intention is not to force everyone to accept My own views—this is just a suggestion. No matter what other people think of Me, I think that God understands the inner dynamics in every single one of us. God is constantly working in every single one of us, and His work is tireless. Because we were all born in the country of the great red dragon, He works this way in us. Those who were born in the country of the great red dragon are fortunate to gain this work of the Holy Spirit. As one of them, I have a great sense of the dearness, worthiness of respect, and loveliness of God. This is God caring for us. For such a backward, conservative, feudalistic, superstitious, and depraved empire of the proletariat to be able to gain such work from God shows just how blessed we, this group of people in the final age, are. I believe that all of the brothers and sisters whose spiritual eyes are opened to see this work will weep tears of joy as a result. And at that time, will you not express yourself to God by dancing with joy? Will you not offer up the song in your heart to God? At that time, will you not show your resolve to God and make another plan before Him? I think that all of this is what normal people who believe in God should do. As human beings, I believe that every one of us should have some kind of expression before God. This is what a person who has feelings should do. A look at the caliber of everyone among us, and at where we were born, shows just how much humiliation God endured in order to come among us. We may have some knowledge of God within us, but what we do know—that God is so great, so supreme, and so honorable—is enough to highlight how great His suffering among mankind has been. Yet these words of Mine are still vague, and people can but treat them as words and doctrine, for the people in our midst are too numb and dull-witted. My only choice, therefore, is to spend more effort explaining this issue to all those brothers and sisters who would accept it, so that our spirits can be moved by the Spirit of God. May God open our spiritual eyes, so that we may see the price God has paid, the efforts He has made, and the energy He has expended for us.

As one of those in mainland China who has accepted the Spirit of God, I have a profound sense of just how lacking our caliber is. (I hope that our brothers and sisters do not feel negative because of this—this is the reality of the situation.) In My practical life I have clearly seen that what we have and are is all so backward. In terms of the major aspects, it is how we conduct ourselves in our lives and our relationship with God, and in terms of the minor aspects, it is our every single idea and thought. These are all things that exist objectively, and they are difficult to conceal with words or fakery. Thus, when I say this, most people nod their heads and acknowledge it, and are convinced of it, unless they lack normal reason: Such people are incapable of accepting these views of Mine. Perhaps I am too impolite, brazenly referring to these people as veritable beasts. That is because in the country of the great red dragon, they are the lowest of the low, like pigs or dogs. No one is more lacking in caliber; they are not worthy of coming before God. Perhaps it is that My words are too “impudent.” In representing the Spirit of God who is working in Me, I curse this kind of beast-like, filthy creature, and I hope that My brothers and sisters are not weakened by this. It is possible that there are no such people among us, but no matter what the truth is, I believe that this is how such people should be dealt with. What do you think?

The empire of the great red dragon has lasted for several thousand years, and it has been depraved throughout—and because it has resisted God for all this time, it has met with the curses and wrath of God, after which has come the chastisement of God. Cursed by God, this country has consistently suffered racial discrimination, and remains in a state of backwardness. The country we were born in teems with all manner of filthy demons that are unbridled in their pursuit of dominance as a result—which means that they besmirch those who are born here. People’s habits, customs, ideas, and concepts are backward and old-fashioned, so they form all sorts of notions about God which they have so far been unable to shake off. In particular, they act one way in front of God, and another way behind His back, mistaking enshrining Satan for serving God, which shows that they are the most backward of all. God has carried out so much work in mainland China and has spoken so many of His words, but people are yet utterly numb and indifferent. They are still doing the work they previously did, and they have absolutely no understanding of God’s words. When God proclaimed that there was no future and no hope, a church that was alive with the heat of summer immediately fell into a cold winter. People’s true selves were exposed to the light of day and their previous confidence, love, and strength all disappeared without a trace. And today, none of them has recovered their vitality. They say with their words that they love God, and although they do not dare to complain in their hearts, no matter what, they just do not have that love. What is that about? I think that our brothers and sisters will acknowledge this fact. May God enlighten us, so that we can all know His loveliness, love our God in the depths of our hearts, and express the love all of us have for God in our different positions; may God bestow upon us unswerving hearts of sincere love for Him—this is what I hope for. Having said this, I feel a bit of sympathy for My brothers and sisters who were also born in this land of filth, and therefore a hatred for the great red dragon has grown within Me. It hinders our God-loving hearts and entices our greediness for our future prospects. It tempts us to be negative, to resist God. It has been the great red dragon that has misled us, corrupted us, and ravaged us until now, to the point where we are unable to repay God’s love with our hearts. We have the drive in our hearts, but in spite of ourselves, we are powerless. All of us are its victims. For this reason, I hate it from My very core, and I cannot wait to destroy it. However, when I think again, this would be to no avail and it would only bring trouble to God, so I come back to these words—I set My heart on following His will—loving God. This is the path that I am taking—it is the path that I, one of created beings, should walk. It is how I should spend My life. These are words from My heart, and I hope that My brothers and sisters will gain some encouragement after reading these words so that My heart can gain some peace. For My goal is to follow God’s will and thus live out a luminous and resplendent life of meaning. In this, I will be able to die without regrets, with a heart full of gratification and comfort. Would you like to do that? Are you someone with that kind of resolution?

That God is able to work in the so-called “sick man of East Asia” is His great power. It is His humility and hiddenness. Regardless of His harsh words or chastisement toward us, we should praise Him from the bottom of our hearts for His humility, and love Him until the very end for this. People who have been bound by Satan for several thousand years have continued to live under its influence and have not thrown it off. They have continued to bitterly grope and struggle. In the past they would burn incense, and bow to and enshrine Satan, and they were tightly bound to family and secular entanglements as well as social interactions. They were unable to throw them off. In this kind of dog-eat-dog society, where can anyone find a meaningful life? What people recount is a life of suffering, and fortunately, God has saved these innocent people, placing our lives under His care and protection, so that our lives are joyful and no longer full of worries. We have continued to live under His grace so far. Is this not God’s blessing? How can anyone have the nerve to make extravagant demands of God? Has He given us so little? Are you still not satisfied? I think that the time has come for us to repay God’s love. We may suffer no small amount of ridicule, slander, and persecution because we follow the path of belief in God, but I believe this is a meaningful thing. It is a thing of glory, not shame, and no matter what, many are the blessings we enjoy. In countless times of disappointment, God’s words have brought comfort, and before we know it, sorrow has turned to joy. In countless times of need, God has brought blessings and we have been provided for through His words. In countless times of sickness, God’s words have brought life—we have been freed from danger, and have turned from danger to safety. You have already enjoyed so many things such as these without realizing it. Do you remember nothing of this?

Previous: The Path … (1)

Next: The Path … (3)

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