The Path … (4)

That people are able to discover God’s loveliness, to seek the way of loving God in today’s age, and that they are willing to accept the training of the kingdom of today—all of this is God’s grace, and moreover, it is His elevation of mankind. Whenever I think of this, I have a powerful sense of the loveliness of God. God truly loves us; if He did not, who would be able to discover His loveliness? Only thus do I see that all of this work is personally done by God Himself, and that people are guided and directed by God. I give thanks to God for this, and I would like My brothers and sisters to join Me in praising God: “All glory be to You, the supreme God Himself! May Your glory multiply and be revealed in those of us who have been selected and gained by You.” God enlightened Me: He showed Me that we had been foreordained many eons ago, and that He wished to gain us in the last days, thus allowing the universe and all things to behold God’s glory in its entirety through us. We, then, are the crystallization of six thousand years of God’s management plan; we are the models, the specimens of God’s work in the entire universe. Only now do I realize just how much God loves us, and that the work He does in us and the things He says are a million times more than in ages past. Not even in Israel or in Peter did God personally do so much work or speak so many words—which shows that we, this group of people, truly are incredibly blessed, incomparably more blessed than the saints of times past. This is why God has always said that the people of the final age are blessed. No matter what others say, I believe that we are most blessed by God. We should accept the blessings bestowed upon us by God; there may be some who complain to God, but I believe that if these blessings come from God, then this proves that we are deserving of them. Even if others complain or are unhappy with us, I still believe that no one else can inherit or remove from us the blessings God has given us. Because God’s work is carried out in us and He speaks to us face to face—to us, and no others—God does as He would wish. And if people are not convinced, are they not just causing trouble for themselves? Do they not bring contempt upon themselves by doing that? Why do I say such things? Because I have a deep appreciation of this. Take the work that God does in Me, for example: Only I can undertake this work—could anyone else do it? I have been fortunate enough to receive this commission from God—could anyone else do this on a whim? It is My hope, however, that the brothers and sisters will understand My heart. I am not boasting about My credentials, but explaining an issue. I would that all glory be to God, and that God may look upon the heart of every one of us, so that our hearts may be cleansed before Him. On My heart, I wish to be completely gained by God, to become a pure virgin who is sacrificed upon the altar, and moreover, to have the obedience of a lamb, appearing among all of mankind as a holy spiritual body. This is My promise, the oath I have set forth before God. I wish to fulfill it and repay God’s love through this. Are you willing to do this? I believe that this promise of Mine will invigorate more younger brothers and sisters, and that it will bring hope to more young people. To Me it seems that God views young people as especially important. Perhaps it is My own bias, but I always feel that young people have prospects and hope; it seems that God does extra work in young people. They may lack insight and wisdom, and they may be as spirited and skittish as a newborn calf, yet I believe they are not without their merits. You can see the innocence of youth in them and they are quick to accept new things. Although young people do tend toward arrogance, fierceness, and impulsiveness, this does not impact their ability to accept new light, for young people rarely hold on to old, outmoded things. That is why I see limitless promise in young people, and their vitality; it is for this reason that I have a tender feeling for them. I have no dislike for the older brothers and sisters, but neither do they hold any interest for Me—for which I offer them My sincere apologies. Perhaps what I have said is out of line or is inconsiderate, but I hope that all of you can forgive My recklessness, because I am too young to pay much attention to how I speak. But to tell the truth, the older brothers and sisters do, after all, serve a function—they are not completely useless. That is because they are experienced in handling things; they are steady in how they handle things, and they do not make as many mistakes. Are not these their strengths? Let us all say before God: “Oh God! May we all fulfill our own functions in our different positions and may we all do our very best for Your will!” I believe this must be God’s intention!

In My experience, many of those who openly oppose this stream—who directly oppose the Spirit of God—are older. These people have very strong religious notions; at every turn, they compare God’s words with things that are obsolete, and try to square the things that were understood in the past with God’s words. Are they not absurd? Could such people carry out the work entrusted to them by God? Could God use such people in His work? The Holy Spirit has a method for any given day of His work; if people cling to old-fashioned things, there will come a day when they are pushed off the stage of history. With every stage of His work, God uses new people. Do those who try to lecture others with obsolete things not bring destruction upon people? And are they not delaying God’s work? And if that is the case, when will God’s work be completed? There may be people who have some notions about what I have just said. Maybe they are not convinced. But I do not want you to worry: Before long, many things like this will happen, and they can only be explained by the facts. Let us visit some important people, some prestigious pastors or Bible expositors and preach this stream to them. They will not openly resist it at first, that is for certain—but they will take out the Bible to challenge you. They will have you recount the Book of Isaiah and the Book of Daniel, and they will even have you explain the Book of Revelation. And if you cannot speak to it, they will reject you, and call you a false christ, and say that you are spreading a way of absurdity. After an hour they will make false accusations against you that will leave you breathless. Is this not open resistance? But that is just the beginning. They cannot impede the next step of God’s work, and before long, the Holy Spirit will force them to accept it. This is an inexorable trend; it is something that humans cannot do and something that people cannot even imagine. I believe that God’s work will spread unimpeded throughout the universe. This is God’s intention, and no one can stop it. May God enlighten us and allow us to accept more new light, and not disrupt God’s management in this matter. May God have mercy on us so that we are all able to see the arrival of His day of glory. The time when God is able to bask in glory across the entire universe will also be the time when we gain glory alongside Him. It seems that will also be the time that I will part from those who walk with Me. I hope that My brothers and sisters may raise their voices with Mine in a plea to God: May God’s great work be completed soon, so that we may see His day of glory during our lifetime. I still hope to fulfill God’s will within My lifetime, and I hope that God may continue to do His work in us, and that there are never any hindrances. This is My eternal aspiration. May God always be among us, and may His love build bridges between us so that the friendship between us becomes more precious. I hope that love creates further understanding between us and that love can bring us into deeper intimacy, remove any distance between us, and that the love between us may become deeper, broader, and sweeter. I believe that this has to be the intention of My God. I hope that My brothers and sisters may grow closer to Me, and that we may all treasure the brief days we have together, that they may serve as beautiful memories for us.

There may have been more steps of God’s work in mainland China, but they are not complicated. Thinking about it, there is sense to every step of His work; each has been personally carried out by God, and everyone has played a role in this work. Each “scene” is truly laughable, and who would have imagined that these people would act out such a drama, their performances so true to life amidst every trial, all manner of person portrayed so vividly and completely beneath God’s pen, each exposing much to the light of day? But by this, I do not mean that God is playing around with people through His work. There would be no sense in that; the work of God has a purpose, and He would never do anything pointless or worthless. Everything He does is done to make people perfect, to gain them. From this I truly see that God’s heart is entirely for the good of man. I may have called this a drama, but it can also be said that this drama is taken from real life. It is only that to God—the general director of this drama—people are there to cooperate with Him in completing this work. In another sense, however, God uses this to gain people, to make them love Him more. Is this not God’s intention? So I hope that no one has any concerns. Are you totally ignorant of God’s intentions? I have said a lot—I hope that the brothers and sisters have understood it all and have not misinterpreted My heart. I have no doubt that you will all be gained by God. Everyone walks a different path. May the one beneath your feet be opened up by God, and may you pray to Him and say: Oh God! I wish for You to gain me, so that my spirit may return to You. Are you ready to seek God’s guidance in the depths of your spirit?

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Next: The Path … (5)

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