Practice (7)

Your humanity is too lacking, your lifestyle is too low and debased, you have no humanity, and you lack insight. That is why you need to equip yourselves with the things of normal humanity. Having conscience, reason, and insight; knowing how to speak and view things; paying attention to cleanliness; acting like a normal human being—these are all features of the knowledge of normal humanity. When you behave appropriately in these things, then you are considered to have an acceptable level of humanity. You must also equip yourselves for the spiritual life. You must know the entirety of God’s work on earth and have experience of His words. You should know how to submit to His arrangements and how to fulfill the duty of a created being. These are the two aspects of what you should enter into today—equipping yourself for a life of humanity, and practice for a life of spirituality. Both are indispensable.

Some people are absurd: They know only to furnish themselves with the features of humanity. No fault can be found in their appearance; the things they say and their manner of speaking are appropriate, and their clothing is very dignified and proper. But they are empty within; they merely seem to be possessed of normal humanity on the surface. There are some who focus only on what to eat, what to wear, and what to say. There are even those who focus exclusively on things like sweeping the floor, making the bed, and general cleanliness. They may be well-practiced in all of these things, but were you to ask them to talk about their knowledge of God’s work of the last days, or of chastisement and judgment, or trials and refinement, they would likely not demonstrate even the slightest experience. You may ask them: “Do you have an understanding of God’s primary work on earth? How is the work of God incarnate today different from the work of Jesus? From the work of Jehovah? Are They one God? Has He come to bring an end to this age, or to save mankind?” But such people have nothing to say about these matters. Some adorn themselves beautifully, but superficially: The sisters adorn themselves as prettily as flowers, and the brothers dress like princes or rich young dandies. They care only about external things, like the things they eat and wear; inside, they are destitute and have not the slightest knowledge of God. What meaning can there be in this? And then there are some who are dressed like poor beggars—they really look like East Asian slaves! Do you really not understand what I ask of you? Commune among yourselves: What have you actually gained? You have believed in God for all these years, and yet this is all that you have reaped—are you not embarrassed? Are you not ashamed? You have been pursuing on the true way for all these years, yet today your stature is still lower than a sparrow’s! Look at the young ladies among you, pretty as pictures in your clothes and makeup, comparing yourselves to one another—and what do you compare? Your pleasure? Your demands? Do you think I have come to recruit models? You have no shame! Where is your life? Is what you pursue not just your own extravagant desire? You think you are so beautiful, but though you might be dressed in all manner of finery, are you not in truth a wriggling maggot, born in a dung heap? Today, you are fortunate to enjoy these heavenly blessings not because of your pretty face, but because God is making an exception by raising you up. Is it still unclear to you where you came from? At the mention of life, you shut your mouth and say nothing, as dumb as a statue, yet still you have the gall to dress yourself up! Still you are inclined to apply blush and powder to your face! And look at the dandies among you, wayward men who spend the whole day sauntering about, unruly, with nonchalant expressions on their faces. Is this how a person should behave? What does each among you, man or woman, devote your attention to all day? Do you know upon whom you depend to feed yourselves? Look at your clothing, look at what you have reaped in your hands, rub your belly—what have you profited from the price of blood and sweat that you have paid over all these years of faith? You still think to go sightseeing, you still think to embellish your stinking flesh—worthless pursuits! You are asked to be a person of normality, yet now you are not simply abnormal, you are aberrant. How can such a person have the audacity to come before Me? With a humanity such as this, parading your charms and flaunting your flesh, living always within the lusts of the flesh—are you not a descendant of filthy demons and evil spirits? I will not allow such a filthy demon to remain in existence for long! And do not suppose I do not know what you think in your heart. You might keep your lust and your flesh under tight control, but how could I not know the thoughts you harbor in your heart? How could I not know all that your eyes desire? Do you young ladies not make yourselves so pretty in order to parade your flesh? What benefit are men to you? Can they truly save you from the sea of affliction? As for the dandies among you, you all dress to make yourselves seem gentlemanly and distinguished, but is this not a ruse designed to bring attention to your dashing looks? Who are you doing this for? What benefit are women to you? Are they not the source of your sin? You men and women, I have said many words to you, yet you have complied with but a few of them. Your ears are hard of hearing, your eyes have grown dim, and your hearts are hard to the point that there is nothing but lust in your bodies, such that you are ensnared in it, unable to escape. Who wants to go anywhere near you maggots, you who squirm in the filth and grime? Do not forget that you are nothing more than those whom I have raised from the dung heap, that you were not originally possessed of normal humanity. What I ask of you is the normal humanity that you did not originally possess, not that you parade your lust or give free rein to your rancid flesh, which has been trained by the devils for so many years. When you dress yourselves so, do you not fear that you will become more deeply ensnared? Do you not know that you were originally of sin? Do you not know that your bodies are filled so full with lust that it even seeps from your clothing, revealing your states as unbearably ugly and filthy demons? Is it not the case that you know this more clearly than anyone? Your hearts, your eyes, your lips—have they not all been defiled by filthy demons? Are these parts of you not filthy? Do you think that as long as you do not act, then you are the most holy? Do you think that dressing up in beautiful clothes can conceal your sordid souls? That will not work! I advise you to be more realistic: Do not be fraudulent and fake, and do not parade yourselves. You flaunt your lust to each other, but all you will receive in return is everlasting suffering and ruthless chastening! What need have you to bat your eyes at each other and indulge in romance? Is this the measure of your integrity, the extent of your uprightness? I loathe those among you who engage in evil medicine and sorcery; I loathe the young men and women among you who love their own flesh. You had better restrain yourselves, because you are now required to possess normal humanity, and you are not allowed to flaunt your lust—yet you take every opportunity you can, for your flesh is too plentiful, and your lust too great!

On the surface, your life of humanity is arranged very well, but you have nothing to say when asked to speak of your knowledge of life; and in this you are impoverished. You must equip yourself with the truth! Your life of humanity has changed for the better, and so too must the life within you change; change your thoughts, transform your views on belief in God, change the knowledge and thinking within you, and change the knowledge of God as it exists within your notions. Through being pruned, through revelations and sustenance, gradually change your knowledge of yourself, of human life, and of belief in God; make your understanding capable of purity. In this way, the thoughts within man change, how he sees things changes, and his mental attitude changes. Only this may be called a change in life disposition. You are not asked to spend all the hours of the day reading God’s words, or washing clothes and cleaning. A life of normal humanity must naturally be endurable, at a minimum. In addition, when handling external matters, you must still use some insight and reason; but what is most important is that you be equipped with the truth of life. When equipping yourself for life, you must focus on eating and drinking God’s words, you must be able to talk of knowledge of God, of your views on human life, and, in particular, of your knowledge of the work done by God during the last days. Since you pursue life, you must equip yourself with these things. When you eat and drink the words of God, you must measure the reality of your own state against them. That is, when you discover your shortcomings in the course of your real experience, you must be capable of finding a path to practice, of rebelling against your incorrect motivations and notions. If you always strive for these things and pour your heart into achieving them, then you will have a path to follow, you will not feel empty, and thus you will be able to maintain a normal state. Only then will you be someone who carries a burden in your own life, who has faith. Why is it that some people, after reading God’s words, are unable to put them into practice? Is it not because they cannot grasp the most crucial things? Is it not because they do not take life seriously? The reason that they cannot grasp the crucial things and have no path to practice is that when they read God’s words, they are unable to relate their own states to them, nor can they master their own states. Some people say: “I read God’s words and relate my state to them, and I know that I am corrupt and of poor caliber, but I am incapable of satisfying God’s intentions.” You have only seen the very surface; there are many real things that you do not know: how to put aside the enjoyments of the flesh, how to put aside self-righteousness, how to change yourself, how to enter into these things, how to improve your caliber, and from which aspect to begin. You only grasp a few things on the surface, and all that you know is that you are indeed very corrupt. When you meet your brothers and sisters, you talk about how corrupt you are, and it seems that you know yourself and carry a great burden for your life. In fact, your corrupt disposition has not changed, which proves you have not found the path to practice. If you are leading a church, you must be able to grasp the states of the brothers and sisters and point them out. Will it do just to say: “You people are rebellious and backward!”? No, you must speak specifically of how their rebelliousness and backwardness are manifested. You must speak of their rebellious states, their rebellious behaviors, and their satanic dispositions, and you must speak of these things in such a way that they are utterly convinced of the truth in your words. Use facts and examples to make your points, and say exactly how they can break away from rebellious behavior, and point out the path to practice—this is how to convince people. Only those who do so are capable of leading others; only they possess the truth reality.

You have now been provided with many truths through fellowship, and you must take stock of them. You should be able to conclude how many truths there are in all. Once you know and can yourself differentiate between the several aspects of normal humanity one should possess, the main aspects of changes to one’s life disposition, the deepening of visions, and the fallacious means of knowing and experiencing that people have employed throughout the ages—only then will you be on the right track. People of religion worship the Bible as if it were God; in particular, they regard the Four Gospels of the New Testament as though they were four different faces of Jesus, and they talk of the Trinity of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. This is all most distorted, and you must all see through it; more than that, you must have knowledge of the essence of God become flesh and the work of the last days. There are also those old methods of practicing, those fallacies and deviations relating to practice—living in the spirit, being filled with the Holy Spirit, being resigned to whatever comes, submitting to authority—that you must know; you should know how people practiced before, and how people must practice today. As to how leaders and workers should cooperate in the churches; how to put aside self-righteousness and condescension; how brothers and sisters should live alongside each other; how to establish normal relationships with other people and with God; how to achieve normality in human life; what people should possess in their spiritual life; how they should eat and drink the words of God; which of God’s words relate to knowledge, which concern visions, and which of them relate to the path to practice—have these not all been spoken of? These words are open to those who pursue the truth, and no one is given preferential treatment. Today, you should cultivate the ability to live independently, not rely on a mentality of dependence. In the future, when there is no one to guide you, you will think of these words of Mine. In times of tribulation, when it is not possible to lead the life of the church, when brothers and sisters are unable to meet with each other, most of them living alone, at best only able to commune with people in their local areas, it is in these times that given your current stature, you simply cannot stand firm. Amid tribulations, many find it hard to stand firm. Only those who know the way of life and are equipped with enough of the truth are able to continue making progress and gradually to achieve purification and transformation. Undergoing tribulations is no easy thing; if you think you will have come through them in a few short days, then this proves how simplistic your thinking is! You think that by understanding much doctrine, you will be able to stand firm, but that is not that case! If you do not recognize the essential things in God’s words, are unable to grasp the crucial features of the truth, and have no path to practice, then when the time comes and something happens to you, you will be plunged into confusion. You will not be able to withstand Satan’s temptation, nor the onset of refinement. If there is no truth in you and you lack visions, then when the time comes, you will not be able to stop yourself from collapsing. You will give up all hope and say, “Well, if I’m going to die all the same, I may as well be chastised to the very end! Whether it’s chastisement or being sent to the lake of fire, so be it—I’ll take things as they come!” This is as it was during the time of the service-doers: Some people believed that they were service-doers no matter what, so they no longer pursued life. They smoked and drank, indulged their flesh, and did what they liked. Some simply returned to the world to work. An inhospitable environment is also thus; if you cannot overcome it, as you loosen your grip on yourself the slightest bit, you will abandon all hope. If you cannot overcome the influence of Satan, you will be taken captive by Satan before you know it and consigned once again to destruction. So, today you must equip yourself with the truth; you must be able to live independently; and, when you read God’s words, you must be able to look for a path to practice. If there were no leaders or workers to water and shepherd you, you should still be able to find a path to follow, find your own shortcomings, find the truths which you should equip yourself with and practice. Could God constantly accompany man after coming to earth? Within their notions, some people believe: “God, if You don’t work us to a certain point, then Your work can’t be considered finished, because Satan is accusing You.” I tell you, once I have finished speaking My words, then My work will have been successfully completed. Once I have nothing more to say, then My work will be complete. The end of My work will be proof of Satan’s defeat, and as such, it can be said that it has been successfully accomplished, without any accusation from Satan. But if there is still no change in you by the time My work has finished, then people such as you are beyond salvation and will be eliminated. I will not do any more work than is needed. I will not continue My work on earth until you have been conquered to a degree, and you all have clear knowledge of every aspect of the truth, and your caliber has improved and you bear testimony internally and externally. That would be impossible! Today, the work I do in you is meant to lead you into a life of normal humanity; it is the work of ushering in a new age and of leading mankind into the life of the new age. Step by step, this work is carried out and develops among you, directly: I teach you face to face; I take you by the hand; I tell you anything you do not understand, bestow upon you anything you lack. It can be said that, for you, all of this work is your provision for life, guiding you also into a life of normal humanity; it is specifically meant to provide sustenance for the life of this group of people during the last days. For Me, all this work is meant to end the old age and usher in a new one; as for Satan, I became flesh precisely in order to defeat it. The work I do among you now is your sustenance for today and your timely salvation, but during these few short years, I will tell you all truths, the whole way of life, and even the work of the future; this will be enough to enable you to experience things normally in the future. All My words alone are what I have entrusted to you. I make no other exhortation; today, all of the words I speak to you are My exhortation of you, because today you have no experience of many of the words I speak, and do not understand their inner meaning. One day, your experiences will come to fruition just as I have spoken of today. These words are your visions of today, and they are what you will depend on in the future; they are sustenance for life today and an exhortation for the future, and no exhortation could be better. This is because the time I have to work on earth is not as long as the time you have to experience My words; I am merely completing My work, whereas you are pursuing life, a process that involves a long journey through life. Only after experiencing many things will you be able to completely gain the way of life; only then will you be able to see through to the inner meaning of the words I speak today. When you have My words in your hands, when each of you has received all of My commissions, once I have commissioned you with all that I ought to, and when the work of words has come to an end, regardless of how great an effect has been achieved, then the implementation of the will of God will also have been achieved. It is not as you imagine, that you must be changed to a certain extent; God does not act according to your notions.

People do not achieve growth in their lives in just a few days. Even if they eat and drink God’s words every day, this is not enough. They must experience a period of growth in their lives. This is a necessary process. Given people’s caliber today, what can they achieve? God works according to people’s needs, making suitable demands based on their inherent caliber. Suppose this work were carried out among a group of people of high caliber: The words uttered would be loftier than those uttered to you, the visions would be loftier, and the truths would be much loftier. Some words would have to be more severe, more capable of providing for men’s lives, more capable of revealing mysteries. When speaking among such people, God would provide according to their needs. The demands made of you today may be called the most exacting; if this work were carried out on people of higher caliber, then the demands would be greater still. All God’s work is done according to people’s inherent caliber. The extent to which people have been changed and conquered today is the greatest extent possible; do not use your own notions to measure how effective this stage of work has been. You should be clear about what you inherently possess, and should not think too highly of yourselves. Originally, none of you pursued life, but were beggars wandering the streets. For God to work on you to the extent you imagine, having you all prostrate yourselves upon the ground, utterly convinced, as if you had seen a great vision—that would be impossible! It is impossible because one who has not seen the miracles of God cannot fully believe all that I say. Even if you were to examine My words closely, you still would not believe them entirely; this is the nature of man. Those who pursue the truth will undergo some changes, while the faith those who do not pursue the truth once had will diminish and may even disappear. The greatest difficulty with you is that you cannot completely believe without having seen the fulfillment of God’s words, and you are not reconciled without having seen His miracles. Without having seen such things, who could be utterly loyal to God? And so I say that what you believe in is not God, but miracles. I have now spoken clearly of various aspects of the truth; each of them is complete, and there is a very close connection between all of them. You have seen them, and now you must put them into practice. Today I show you the path, and in the future, you should put it into practice yourself. The words I speak now make demands of people based on their real circumstances, and I work in accordance with their needs and the things inside them. The practical God has come to earth to do practical work, to work according to people’s real circumstances and needs. He is not unreasonable. When God acts, He does not coerce people. Whether or not you get married, for example, should be based on the reality of your circumstances; the truth has been clearly spoken to you, and I do not constrain you. Some people’s families oppress them so that they are unable to believe in God unless they get married. In this way, marriage, conversely, is helpful for them. For others, marriage brings no benefits, but costs them what they once had. Your own case must be determined by your actual circumstances and by your own resolve. I am not here to invent rules and regulations with which to make demands of you. Many people constantly call out, “God is practical; His work is based in reality, and on the reality of our circumstances”—but do you know what makes it, in fact, practical? Enough of your empty words! God’s work is practical and based in reality; it has no doctrine, but is entirely free, all of it open and undisguised. What are the specific details of these few principles? Can you say which parts of God’s work are thus? You must speak in detail, you must have several sorts of experiential testimonies, and you must be very clear about this feature of God’s work—you must know it, and only then will you be qualified to speak these words. Could you answer if someone asked you: “What work has God incarnate done on earth during the last days? Why do you call Him the practical God? What does ‘practical’ mean here? Can you speak of His practical work, of what it specifically includes? Jesus is God become flesh, and the God of today is also God become flesh, so what are the differences between Them? And what are the similarities? What work has each of Them done?” This all pertains to bearing testimony! Do not be confused about these things. There are others who say: “The work of God today is practical. It is never a display of miracles and wonders.” Does He really not work miracles and wonders? Are you sure? Do you know what My work truly is? One may say He does not work miracles and wonders, but are not the work He does and the words He speaks all miracles? One may say He does not work miracles and wonders, but this depends on how it is explained and whom it is directed at. Without going to the church, He has laid bare people’s states, and without performing any work other than speaking, He has spurred people onward—are these not miracles? With words alone, He has conquered people, and people gladly follow without prospects or hopes—is this not also a miracle? When He speaks, His words induce a certain mood in people. If they do not feel joyous then they feel melancholy; if they are not subject to refinement then they are subject to chastisement. With just a few cutting words, He brings chastisement upon people—is this not supernatural? Could humans do such a thing? You have read the Bible for all these years, but you have understood nothing, gained no insight; you were incapable of separating yourself from those outdated, traditional ways of belief. You have no way to make sense of the Bible. Yet He can understand the Bible fully—is this not something supernatural? If there were nothing supernatural about God when He came to earth, would He be able to conquer you? Without His extraordinary, divine work, who among you would be convinced? In your eyes, it appears as if a normal person is working and living with you—on the surface, He appears to be a normal, ordinary person; what you see is a facade of normal humanity, but in fact, it is divinity at work. It is not normal humanity, but divinity; it is God Himself at work, work that He performs using normal humanity. Thus, His work is both normal and supernatural. The work He does cannot be done by man; and since it cannot be done by normal people, it is done by an extraordinary being. Yet it is divinity that is extraordinary, not humanity; divinity is different from humanity. A person who is used by the Holy Spirit is also of ordinary, normal humanity, but they are incapable of doing this work. Herein lies the difference. You might say: “God is not a supernatural God; He does nothing supernatural. Our God speaks words that are practical. He comes to the church to do practical work. Each day, He speaks to us face to face, and, face to face, He points out our states—our God is practical! He lives with us, and everything about Him is completely normal. Nothing in His appearance distinguishes Him as God. There are even times when He grows angry and we behold the majesty of His wrath, and sometimes He smiles, and we observe His smiling demeanor. He is God Himself with shape and form, made of flesh and blood, who is real and practical.” When you bear testimony in this way, it is an incomplete testimony. What help will it be to others? If you cannot testify to the inside story and essence of the work of God Himself, then your “testimony” is not worth the name!

Bearing testimony to God is primarily a matter of speaking of your knowledge of God’s work, of how God conquers people, of how He saves people, of how He changes people; it is a matter of speaking of how He guides people to enter into the truth reality, allowing them to be conquered, made perfect, and saved by Him. Bearing testimony means speaking of His work and all that you have experienced. Only His work can represent Him, and only His work can reveal Him publicly, in His entirety; His work bears testimony to Him. His work and utterances directly represent the Spirit; the work He does is carried out by the Spirit, and the words He speaks are spoken by the Spirit. These things are merely expressed through the incarnate flesh of God, yet, in reality, they are expressions of the Spirit. All the work He does and all the words He speaks represent His essence. If, after clothing Himself in flesh and coming among man, God did not speak or work, and then asked you to know His practicality, His normality, and His omnipotence, would you be able to? Would you be able to know what the essence of the Spirit is? Would you be able to know what the attributes of His flesh are? It is only because you have experienced each step of His work that He asks you to bear testimony to Him. If you were without such experience, then He would not insist that you bear testimony. Thus, when you bear testimony to God, you are not only testifying to His exterior of normal humanity, but also to the work He does and the path He leads; you are to testify to how you have been conquered by Him and in what aspects you have been made perfect. This is the kind of testimony you should bear. If, wherever you go, you cry out: “Our God has come to work, and His work is truly practical! He has gained us without supernatural acts, without any miracles and wonders at all!” Others will ask: “What do you mean when you say He does not work miracles and wonders? How can He have conquered you without working miracles and wonders?” And you say: “He speaks, and, without a show of any wonders or miracles, He has conquered us. His work has conquered us.” Ultimately, if you are unable to say anything of essence, if you cannot talk of specifics, is this true testimony? When God incarnate conquers people, it is His divine words that do so. Humanity cannot accomplish this; it is not something any mortal can achieve, and even those of the highest caliber among normal people are incapable of this, for His divinity is higher than any created being. This is extraordinary to people; the Creator, after all, is higher than any created being. Created beings cannot be higher than the Creator; if you were higher than He, He would not be able to conquer you, and He can only conquer you because He is higher than you. He who can conquer all humankind is the Creator, and none but He can do this work. These words are “testimony”—the kind of testimony you should bear. Step by step, you have experienced chastisement, judgment, refinement, trials, setbacks, and tribulations, and you have been conquered; you have put aside the prospects of the flesh, your personal motivations, and the intimate interests of the flesh. In other words, God’s words have conquered your heart completely. Although you have not grown in your life as much as He demands, you know all these things and you are utterly convinced by what He does. Thus, this may be called testimony, testimony that is real and true. The work God has come to do, the work of judgment and chastisement, is meant to conquer man, but He is also concluding His work, ending the age, and carrying out the work of conclusion. He is ending the entire age, saving all of humankind, delivering humankind from sin for once and for all; He is fully gaining humankind, which He created. You should bear testimony to all of this. You have experienced so much of God’s work, you have seen it with your own eyes and experienced it personally; when you have reached the very end, you must not be unable to perform the function incumbent upon you. What a pity that would be! In the future, when the gospel is spread, you should be able to speak of your own knowledge, testify to all that you have gained in your heart, and spare no effort. This is what a created being should attain. What is the actual significance of this stage of God’s work? What is its effect? And how much of it is carried out in man? What should people do? When you can speak clearly of all the work God incarnate has done since coming to earth, then your testimony will be complete. When you can speak clearly of these five things: the significance of His work; its contents; its essence; the disposition it represents; and its principles, then this will prove you are capable of bearing testimony to God, that you are truly possessed of knowledge. My requirements of you are not very high, and are attainable by all those who are in true pursuit. If you are resolved to be one of God’s witnesses, you must understand what God loathes and what God loves. You have experienced much of His work; through this work, you must come to know His disposition, understand His intentions and His requirements of mankind, and use this knowledge to testify about Him and fulfill your duty. You may say only: “We know God. His judgment and chastisement are very severe. His words are very stern; they are righteous and majestic, and they are unoffendable by any man,” but do these words ultimately provide for man? What is their effect on people? Do you really know that this work of judgment and chastisement is most beneficial to you? God’s judgment and chastisement are exposing your rebelliousness and corruption, are they not? They can cleanse and expel those filthy and corrupt things inside of you, can they not? Were there no judgment and chastisement, what would become of you? Do you actually recognize the fact that Satan has corrupted you to the most profound degree? Today, you should equip yourselves with these things and know them well.

Belief in God in the present day is not the faith you might imagine—that it is enough to read God’s words, pray, sing, dance, perform your duty, and lead a life of normal humanity. Could belief really be so simple? Results are the key. It is not how many ways you have of doing things; rather, it is how exactly you can achieve the best results. You may be able to hold up God’s words and expound some of your knowledge, but when you put them aside, you have nothing to say. This shows that you are capable only of speaking words and doctrines but lack the knowledge of experience. Today, it will not do if you fail to grasp what is crucial—this is vitally important for entering into reality! Begin to train yourself thus: First, read God’s words; come to know well the spiritual terms within them; find the key visions within them; identify the parts that pertain to practice; draw all these elements together, one by one; enter into them within your experience. These are the crucial things you must grasp. The most crucial practice when eating and drinking God’s words is this: Having read a chapter of God’s words, you must be able to locate the key parts concerning visions, and you must also be able to locate the key parts that relate to practice; use visions as the foundation, and use practice as your guide in life. These are what you lack most of all, and your greatest difficulty; in your hearts, you rarely pay any attention to them. Generally, all of you exist within a state of laziness, unmotivated, unwilling to make any personal sacrifice; or you wait passively, and some even complain; they do not understand the aims and significance of God’s work, and it is hard for them to pursue the truth. Such people are averse to the truth and will ultimately be eliminated. None among them can be made perfect, and none may survive. If people do not have a little resolve with which to resist the forces of Satan, then they are beyond hope!

Now, whether or not your pursuit has been effective is measured by what you currently possess. This is what is used to determine your outcome; this is to say, your outcome is revealed in the sacrifices you have made and the things you have done. Your outcome will be made known by your pursuit, your faith, and what you have done. Among all of you, there are many who are already beyond salvation, for today is the day of revealing people’s outcomes, and I will not be muddleheaded in My work; I will not lead those who are entirely beyond salvation into the next age. There will be a time when My work is finished. I shall not work on those stinking, spiritless corpses that cannot be saved at all; now are the last days of man’s salvation, and I will not do useless work. Do not rail against Heaven and earth—the end of the world is coming. It is inevitable. Things have come to this point, and there is nothing you as a human being can do to stop them; you cannot change things as you wish. Yesterday, you did not pay a price to pursue the truth and you were not loyal; today, the time has come, you are beyond salvation; and tomorrow, you will be eliminated, and there will be no leeway for your salvation. Even though My heart is mild and I am doing My utmost to save you, if you do not strive on your own behalf or give any thought for yourself, what does this have to do with Me? Those who think only of their flesh and who enjoy comfort; those who seem to believe but who do not really believe; those who engage in evil medicine and sorcery; those who are promiscuous and broken-down; those who steal sacrifices to Jehovah and His possessions; those who love bribes; those who dream idly of ascending to heaven; those who are arrogant and conceited, who strive only for personal fame and gain; those who spread impertinent words; those who blaspheme God Himself; those who do nothing but make judgments against and slander God Himself; those who form cliques and seek independence; those who exalt themselves above God; those frivolous young, middle-aged and older men and women who are ensnared in licentiousness; those men and women who enjoy personal fame and gain and pursue personal status among others; those unrepentant people who are trapped in sin—are they not, all of them, beyond salvation? Licentiousness, sinfulness, evil medicine, sorcery, profanity, and impertinent words all run riot among you; and truth and the words of life are trampled in your midst, and the holy language is defiled among you. You Gentiles, bloated with filth and rebelliousness! What will your final outcome be? How can those who love the flesh, who commit sorcery of the flesh, and who are ensnared in licentious sin have the audacity to continue living! Do you not know that people such as you are maggots beyond salvation? What entitles you to demand this and that? To date, there has not been the slightest change in those who do not love the truth and only love the flesh—how can such people be saved? Those who do not love the way of life, who do not exalt God and bear testimony to Him, who scheme for the sake of their own status, who extol themselves—are they not still the same, even today? What is the value in saving them? Whether you can be saved does not depend on how great your seniority or how many years you have been working, and much less does it depend on how many credentials you have built up. Rather, it depends on whether your pursuit has borne fruit. You ought to know that those who are saved are the “trees” that bear fruit, not the trees with lush foliage and abundant flowers that yet yield no fruit. Even if you have spent many years wandering the streets, what does that matter? Where is your testimony? You have far less of a God-fearing heart than you do of a heart that loves yourself and your lustful desires—is this kind of person not a degenerate? How could they be a specimen and model for salvation? Your nature is incorrigible, you are too rebellious, you are beyond salvation! Are such people not those that will be eliminated? Is the time when My work is finished not the time of the arrival of your last day? I have done so much work and spoken so many words among you—how much of it has truly entered your ears? How much of it have you ever submitted to? When My work ends, that will be the time when you stop opposing Me, when you stop standing against Me. As I work, you act against Me constantly; you never comply with My words. I do My work, and you do your own “work,” making your own little kingdom. You are nothing but a pack of foxes and dogs, doing everything in opposition to Me! You are constantly trying to bring those who offer you their undivided love into your embrace—where is your fearful heart? Everything you do is deceitful! You have no submission or fear, and everything you do is deceitful and blasphemous! Can such people be saved? Men who are sexually immoral and lascivious always want to draw coquettish harlots to them for their own enjoyment. I absolutely will not save such sexually immoral demons. I hate you filthy demons, and your lasciviousness and coquettishness will plunge you into hell. What have you to say for yourselves? You filthy demons and evil spirits are repulsive! You are disgusting! How could such trash be saved? Can they who are ensnared in sin still be saved? Today, this truth, this way, and this life do not attract you; rather, you are attracted to sinfulness; to money; to standing, fame and gain; to the enjoyments of the flesh; to the handsomeness of men and charms of women. What qualifies you to enter My kingdom? Your image is even greater than God’s, your status even higher than God’s, to say nothing of your prestige among men—you have become an idol that people worship. Have you not become the archangel? When people’s outcomes are revealed, which is also when the work of salvation will draw near its end, many of those among you will be corpses beyond salvation and must be eliminated. During the work of salvation, I am kind and good toward all people. When the work concludes, the outcomes of different types of people will be revealed, and at that time, I shall no longer be kind and good, for people’s outcomes will have been revealed, and each will have been classified according to their kind, and there will be no use in doing any more work of salvation, because the age of salvation will have passed, and, having passed, it will not return.

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