Practice (8)

You still do not understand the various aspects of the truth, and there are still quite a few distortions in your practice; in many areas, you live by your notions and imaginings, never able to grasp the principles of practice. Thus, it is still necessary to guide people to enter onto the right track; in other words, so they are able to regulate their human and spiritual lives, put both aspects into practice, and so that they will not need to be frequently supported or guided. Only then will they be possessed of true stature. And even if there is no one to guide you in the future, you will still be able to experience by yourself. Today, if you grasp which aspects of the truth are crucial and which are not, in the future, you will be able to enter into reality. Today, you are being led onto the right path, allowing you to understand many truths, and in the future you will be able to go deeper. It can be said that what people are being made to understand now is the purest way. Today, you are being taken onto the right track—and when, one day, there is no one to guide you, you will practice and advance deeper according to this purest of all paths. Today, people are being made to understand which kinds of practices are correct and which are deviant. After understanding these things, in the future, their experiences will go deeper. Today, the notions, imaginings and deviations in your practice are being reversed, and the path of practice and entry is being revealed to you, after which this stage of work will end, and you will begin to walk the path that you humans ought to. Then, My work will be finished, and from that point onward you will meet with Me no more. Today, your stature is still meager. There are many difficulties that arise from man’s nature essence, and so, too, are there some deep-rooted things that have yet to be dug out. You do not understand the finer details of people’s nature essence, and still need Me to point them out, otherwise you would not be able to recognize them. At a certain point when the things within your bones and blood are exposed, this is what is known as chastisement and judgment. Only when My work has been thoroughly and completely carried out shall I conclude it. The more profoundly your corrupt essences are exposed, the more knowledge you will possess, and this will be of great significance to your future testimony and perfection. Only when the work of chastisement and judgment has been thoroughly carried out shall My work be complete, and you will know Me from My chastisement and judgment. Not only will you know My disposition and righteousness, but, more importantly, you will know My chastisement and judgment. Many among you have great notions about the newness and level of detail of My work. Regardless, you ought to see that My work is new and detailed, and that I teach you to practice face to face, taking you by the hand. Only this is of benefit to your practice and to your ability to stand firm in the future; otherwise, you would be as autumn leaves, withered, yellowed and dry, without a shred of worth. You should know that I know everything in your hearts and spirits; and you should know that the work I do and the words I speak are of great subtlety. Based on your disposition and caliber, this is how you ought to be handled. Only in this way will your knowledge of My chastisement and judgment become clearer, and even if you do not know today, tomorrow you will. Any created being shall fall amid My words of chastisement and judgment, for I tolerate no person’s opposition to Me.

You must all be able to reasonably regulate your own lives. You may organize each day however you wish; you are free to do whatever you please; you may read God’s words, listen to hymns or sermons, or write devotional notes; and if it interests you, you may write hymns. Does all of this not constitute a suitable life? These are all things that ought to make up a human life. People should live naturally; only when they have reaped fruit in both their normal humanity and in their spiritual lives can they be considered to have entered into normal life. Today, it is not only in regard to humanity that you lack insight and reason. There are also many visions that should be known that people must be equipped with, and whatever lesson you encounter, that is the lesson you should learn; you must be able to adapt to the environment. Improving your level of education must be done over the long-term in order for it to be fruitful. There are some things you must equip yourself with for normal, human life, and you must also understand your life entry. Today, you have come to understand many words of God—reading them again now—that you did not understand at the time, and your heart has grown more steadfast. These are also the results you have earned. On whatever day you eat and drink God’s words and there is a bit of understanding within you, you can freely commune with your brothers and sisters. Is this not the life you ought to have? Sometimes, some questions are raised, or you ponder a topic, and it makes you better at discerning, and gives you more insight and wisdom, allowing you to understand some truths—and is this not what is contained within the spiritual life that is spoken of today? It is not acceptable to only put but one aspect of spiritual life into practice; eating and drinking the words of God, praying, and singing hymns all constitute spiritual life, and when you have a spiritual life, you must also have a life of normal humanity. Today, much of what is said is in order to give people reason and insight, to allow them to possess a life of normal humanity. What it means to have insight; what it means to have normal interpersonal relationships; how you should interact with people—you should equip yourself with these things through eating and drinking the words of God, and what is required of you is attainable through normal humanity. Equip yourself with the things that you should equip, and do not exceed what is proper; some people use all manner of words and vocabulary, and in this they are flaunting their charms. And there are others who read all kinds of books, whereby they indulge the desires of the flesh. They even study and emulate the biographies and quotes of so-called great figures of the world, and read pornographic books—this is even more laughable! People like this do not know the path to life entry, much less do they know the work of God today. They do not even know how to spend each day. Such is the vacuum of their lives! They are wholly ignorant of what they should enter into. All they do is talk and communicate with others, as if talking substitutes their own entry. Have they no shame? These are people who do not know how to live, and who do not understand human life; they spend the whole day stuffing their faces, and doing pointless things—what is the point in living this way? I have seen that for many people, apart from working, eating, and dressing, their precious time is otherwise occupied by meaningless things, whether it be larking and fooling around, gossiping, or sleeping the day away. Is this the life of a saint? Is this the life of a normal person? Could such a life make you perfect when it is lowly, backward, and insouciant? Are you so willing to forfeit yourself to Satan for nothing? When people’s lives are easy, and there is no suffering in their environment, they are incapable of experiencing. In comfortable environments, it is easy for people to become depraved—but adverse environments make you pray with greater urgency, and make it so you do not dare to leave God. The easier and duller people’s lives are, the more they feel there is no point in living, and they even feel that they are better off dead. This is how corrupt people’s flesh is; they only benefit if they are exposed to trial.

That stage of Jesus’ work was done in Judea and Galilee, and the Gentiles were unaware of it. The work He did was highly secret, and no nations apart from Israel were aware of it. Only when Jesus completed His work and it caused an uproar were people aware of it, and at that time He had departed. Jesus came to do one stage of work, gained some people, and completed a stage of work. In whatever stage of work God does, there are many who follow Him. If it were carried out only by God Himself, it would be meaningless; there must be people to follow God until He carries out that stage of work to the very end. Only when the work of God Himself has been completed do people begin to carry out the work commissioned by God, and only then does the work of God begin to spread. God only does the work of ushering in a new era; the work of people is to continue it. Thus, the work of today shall not last long; My life with man will not carry on for very long. I only complete My work, and have you perform the duty that you ought to, so that this work and this gospel can spread as quickly as possible among the Gentiles and other nations—only thus can you fulfill your duty as humans. The time of today is most precious of all. If you ignore it, you are a fool; if, in this environment, you eat and drink these words and experience this work, and yet still you lack the resolve to pursue the truth, and have not the slightest sense of burden—what of your future then? Is a person like you not ripe to be eliminated?

Previous: Practice (7)

Next: Serve As the Israelites Did

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