9. How to discern the nature of antichrists that is averse to the truth and hates the truth

Words of Almighty God of the Last Days

The main dispositional characteristic of how antichrists approach the truth is aversion rather than merely being disinterested. Disinterest is just a relatively mild attitude toward the truth that has not escalated to the level of hostility, condemnation, or opposition. It’s just lacking interest in the truth, not wanting to pay attention to it, and saying, “What positive things, what truth? Even if I gain these things, what of it? Will they improve my life or enhance my abilities?” They are uninterested in these things, and so they do not bother with them, but this falls short of aversion. Aversion indicates a certain attitude. What kind of attitude? As soon as they hear about any positive thing and anything related to the truth, they feel hatred, repulsion, resistance, and an unwillingness to listen. They may even try to find evidence to condemn and denigrate the truth. This is their disposition essence of being averse to the truth.

Just like other people, antichrists can read God’s words, hear what God says, and experience the work of God. On the surface, it seems they can also understand the literal meaning of God’s words, know what God has said, and know that these words enable people to take the right path and be good people. However, these things remain merely theoretical to them. What does it mean that they remain theoretical? It’s similar to how some people might believe that a certain theory in a book is good, but when they compare it to real life, and think about the evil trends, human corruption, and the various needs of all humankind, they find the theory to be impractical and disconnected from real life, and they realize that it cannot help people adapt to or follow after these evil trends and this evil society. Hence, they feel that this theory is good, but that it is only something to be spoken about, to satisfy humankind’s wishes and fantasies for beautiful things. For instance, if someone likes status, and they wish to be an official, and to be exalted and worshiped among people, they must rely on abnormal methods like lying, showcasing themselves, and stepping on others, and so on, to achieve this goal. However, these things are exactly what the truth condemns. It condemns and denies these desires and ambitions of humans. In real life, people think that distinguishing themselves is a legitimate thing to do, but such demands are condemned by God and the truth. Therefore, these demands are not accepted in God’s house, there is no room for them to be brought into play, and there is no space for them to be realized. But will antichrists give them up? (They won’t give them up.) Right, they won’t give them up. As soon as antichrists see this, they think, “I understand now. So, the truth requires people to be selfless, to sacrifice themselves, to be tolerant and generous, to lose their egos and live for others. This is the truth.” Once they define the truth in this way, do they become interested in or repulsed by the truth? They become repulsed by it, and repulsed by God, saying, “God always speaks the truth, he always exposes impure things like human desires and ambitions, and he always exposes that which lies at the bottom of human souls. It seems god fellowships about the truth with the aim of depriving people of their pursuit of status, desires, and ambitions. Initially, I thought god could satisfy people’s desires, fulfill their wishes and dreams, and give people what they want. I didn’t expect that god was this kind of god. He doesn’t seem that great. I’m filled with ambitions and desires: Can god like a person such as me? Judging from what god has always said, and reading between the lines of his words, it seems that god doesn’t like people such as me, nor can he get along with someone like me. It seems like I can’t get along with this kind of practical god. The words he speaks, the work he does, the principles for his actions, and his disposition—why do I find them so disagreeable? God asks people to be honest, to have a conscience, to seek, obey, and fear god when things befall them, and to let go of their ambitions and desires—these are things I cannot do! What god demands is not only incompatible with human notions, it is also insensitive to human feelings. How can I believe in him?” After turning things over in their minds like this, do they develop a good feeling toward God or grow distant from Him? (They grow distant.) After a period of experience, antichrists increasingly feel that people like them, who have ambitions and desires, and are full of aspirations, won’t be welcome in God’s house, that there’s no place here for them to use their skills, and that they cannot give free play to their aspirations here. They think, “In god’s house, I can’t reveal my exceptional talent. I’ll never have the chance to excel. They say I lack spiritual understanding, that I don’t understand the truth, and that I have an antichrist’s disposition. Not only have I not been promoted or placed in an important position, I’ve also been condemned. What’s wrong with establishing my own independent kingdom? What’s wrong with me punishing others? Since I have power, I should act like this! Who wouldn’t act like this if they had power? So what’s wrong with me engaging in some foul play and cheating during elections? Don’t all nonbelievers do the same? Why isn’t it allowed in god’s house? They even say that this is shameless. How can it be considered shameless? Man struggles upward; water flows downward. This is proper! God’s house isn’t fun. But people in this world are pretty vicious, and not easy to get along with. By comparison, the people in god’s house are a bit better behaved. If there were no god, hanging around here would be wonderful; if there were no god and no truth governing people, I would be the boss in god’s house, the master, and the king.” As they do their duties in God’s house, they constantly experience various things, they are continually pruned, and they change to various different duties, and they finally realize something, saying, “In god’s house, anything that happens is measured and resolved using the truth. The truth is always emphasized, and god is always talking about it. I cannot give free play to my aspirations here!” Having reached this point in their experiences, they become increasingly averse to the truth, toward the truth reigning, toward everything God does being the truth, and toward seeking the truth. To what extent do they feel averse toward these things? They don’t even want to acknowledge or accept the doctrines of the truths they acknowledged in the very beginning, and they feel extreme revulsion in their hearts. Therefore, as soon as it’s time for a gathering, they become drowsy and anxious. Why are they anxious? They think, “These gatherings go on for three or four hours at a time—when will this be over? I don’t want to listen anymore!” There is a phrase that can describe their mood, which is “sitting on pins and needles.” They realize that as long as the truth reigns in God’s house, they will never have a chance to excel, but will always be restricted, condemned, and rejected by everyone, and that no matter how capable they are, they won’t be given important roles. Consequently, their loathing of the truth and God intensifies. Someone might ask, “Why didn’t they feel loathing from the beginning?” Indeed, they did feel loathing from the beginning, but at that time, everything in God’s house was unfamiliar to them. They had no concept of it, but that doesn’t mean they didn’t feel loathing or aversion. In reality, they felt averse toward the truth within their nature essence, they just hadn’t realized it themselves. These people’s nature essence is undoubtedly averse to the truth. Why do I say this? They inherently love injustice, wickedness, power, evil trends, being in charge, controlling people, and all negative things like this. Judging by these things which they love, it is beyond doubt that antichrists feel averse toward the truth. Furthermore, in terms of what they strive for, they strive for status, they strive to distinguish themselves, they strive to put a halo on their head, they strive to be a leader among people, to be imposing and powerful, to have prestige and strength wherever they speak and act, along with the ability to control people—they strive for these things. This is also a manifestation of feeling aversion toward the truth.

—The Word, Vol. 4. Exposing Antichrists. Excursus Six: Summarizing the Character of Antichrists and Their Disposition Essence (Part Three)

The primary manifestation of antichrists being averse to the truth is seen in their attitude toward it, and, of course, it also manifests in their usual daily lives and activities, especially in how they do their duties. They display several manifestations. First, they never seek the truth, even when they clearly know they should. Second, they never practice the truth. Since they don’t seek the truth, how can they practice it? Only through seeking can there be understanding, and only understanding can lead to practice; they don’t seek, nor do they take the truth principles to heart at all. They even disdain them, feel averse toward them, and view them with hostility. Consequently, they never even touch on the practice of the truth, and even if they understand the truth at times, they don’t practice it. For instance, when something befalls them, and others suggest a good course of action, they might retort, “What’s good about that? If I do that, won’t my own ideas be wasted?” Some may say, “God’s house will suffer losses if we do things your way; we must act according to the principles.” They respond, “What principles! My way is the principle; whatever I think is the principle!” Isn’t this not practicing the truth? (Yes.) Another of their primary manifestations is that they never read God’s words or engage in spiritual devotions. When some people are busy with work and cannot find time to read God’s words, they silently contemplate or sing a few hymns, and if they go many days without reading God’s words, they feel a sense of emptiness. In the midst of their busyness, they steal a moment to read a passage and replenish themselves, pondering until they can sense God’s presence, and their hearts become steady. Such people are not far from God. On the other hand, antichrists don’t feel distressed if they go a day without reading God’s words. Even if they don’t read God’s words for 10 days, they feel nothing. They can still live quite well without reading God’s words for a year, and they can even go three years without reading God’s words, and feel nothing—they do not feel afraid or empty in their hearts, and they continue to live comfortably. They must feel an intense aversion toward God’s words! A person can go a day without reading God’s words due to busyness, or perhaps 10 days for the same reason. However, if someone can go a whole month without reading God’s words and still feel nothing, then there is a problem. If a year passes without a person reading God’s words, they do not just lack a yearning for God’s words—they have an aversion toward the truth.

Another manifestation of antichrists feeling aversion toward the truth is their contempt for Christ. We’ve fellowshipped about their contempt for Christ before. So, what has Christ done for them to hold Him in contempt? Did He hurt or harm them, or do anything contrary to their wishes? Did He harm any of their interests? No. Christ holds no personal grudges against them, and they haven’t even met Him. How, then, could they hold Him in contempt? The root cause lies in the antichrists’ essence of feeling aversion toward the truth. Another manifestation of antichrists feeling averse toward the truth is their contempt toward the reality of all positive things. The reality of all positive things encompasses a wide range of things, such as all things that God created and their laws, various living things and the laws that govern their lives, and primarily, the various laws that govern the lives of these living beings called humans. For example, the matters of birth, age, illness, and death that are closest to human life—normal people’s legs grow feeble as they age, their health declines, their eyes dim, they become hard of hearing, their teeth become loose, and they think that they must reconcile themselves to old age. God is sovereign over all this, and no one can go against this natural law—normal people can acknowledge and accept all these things. However, no matter how long a person lives or the state of their physical health, certain things don’t change, such as the way in which they should do their duty, the position they should take, and the attitude with which they should do their duty. Antichrists, on the other hand, refuse to yield. They say, “Who am I? I can’t grow old. I must be different from ordinary people at all times. Do I look old to you? There are certain things you can’t do at this age, but I can. Your legs may grow feeble in your fifties, but mine remain nimble. I even practice jumping from rooftop to rooftop!” They always want to challenge these normal laws that God ordained, they are constantly trying to break them and show others that they are different, extraordinary, and superior to ordinary people. Why do they do this? They want to challenge God’s words and deny that His words are the truth. Isn’t this a manifestation of antichrists’ essence of feeling aversion toward the truth? (Yes.) There is another aspect, which is that antichrists revere evil trends and dark influences; this further confirms that they are enemies of the truth. Antichrists deeply admire and revere Satan’s regime, and the various abilities, skills, and deeds of evil spirits spoken about in legends, as well as evil trends and dark influences. Their belief in these things is unshakable, and they never doubt them. Their hearts are not only free from aversion but are full of respect, reverence, and envy for them. Even deep in their hearts, they closely follow these things. Antichrists have this kind of attitude deep in their hearts regarding these evil and dark things—doesn’t this mean that they are averse to the truth? Absolutely! How could anyone who loves these wicked and dark things love the truth? These are people that belong to the evil forces and to Satan’s gang. Of course, they unwaveringly believe in the things of Satan, while their hearts are filled with repulsion and disdain for the truth and positive things.

—The Word, Vol. 4. Exposing Antichrists. Excursus Six: Summarizing the Character of Antichrists and Their Disposition Essence (Part Three)

Why are they called antichrists? What is the meaning of “anti”? It means antithetic and hatred. It means hostility toward Christ, hostility toward the truth, and hostility toward God. What does “hostility” mean? It means standing on the opposite side, treating you like an enemy, as if one is filled with a great and profound hatred; it means to be in diametric opposition to you. Such is the mentality with which antichrists approach God. What attitude do people like this, who hate God, have toward the truth? Are they able to love the truth? Are they able to accept the truth? Definitely not. Therefore, people who stand in opposition to God are people who hate the truth. The number one thing that is exhibited in them is an aversion toward the truth and hatred of the truth. As soon as they hear the truth or the words of God, there is hatred in their hearts, and when anyone reads the words of God to them, an expression of anger and rage appears on their faces, just like when the words of God are read to a demon when people are spreading the gospel. In their hearts, people who are averse toward the truth and hate the truth feel the utmost aversion toward God’s words and the truth, theirs is an attitude of resistance, and they even go so far as to hate anyone who reads God’s words to them or fellowships the truth to them, they even treat that person as an enemy. They feel extreme aversion toward various truths, and toward positive things. All the truths such as submitting to God, loyally doing one’s duties, being an honest person, seeking the truth in all things, and so on—do they have a little bit of subjective yearning or love? No, not in the slightest. Therefore, given this sort of nature essence that they have, they are already standing in direct opposition to God and the truth. Without a doubt, such people do not, deep down, love the truth or any positive thing; deep down, they even feel averse toward the truth and hate it. For example, people in positions of leadership have to be able to accept the differing opinions of their brothers and sisters, they must be able to open themselves up and lay themselves bare to the brothers and sisters, and be able to accept their reproach, and they must not assert their status. What would an antichrist say of all of these correct ways of practicing? They would say, “If I listened to the brothers’ and sisters’ opinions, then would I still be a leader? Would I still have status and prestige? If I have no prestige, then what work can I do?” This is precisely the kind of disposition possessed by an antichrist; they do not accept the truth in even the most minute way, and the more correct a way of practice is, the more they resist it. They do not accept that acting according to principle is practicing the truth. What do they think that practicing the truth is? They think that they must use plotting, tricks, and violence on everyone, rather than relying on the words of God, the truth, and love. Their every means and path is wicked. All this is wholly representative of the nature essence of the antichrists. The motives, opinions, views, and intentions that they often reveal are all dispositions of aversion to and hatred of the truth, which is the nature essence of the antichrists. What, then, does it mean to stand in opposition to the truth and to God? It means hating the truth and positive things. For example, when somebody says, “As a created being, one should fulfill the duty of a created being. No matter what God might say, people should submit, for we are created beings,” how does an antichrist think? “Submit? It’s not untrue that I am a created being, but when it comes to submitting, that depends on the situation. First and foremost, there has to be some benefit in it for me, I mustn’t be put at a disadvantage, and my interests have to come first. If there are rewards or great blessings to be gained, then I can submit, but without rewards and without a destination, why must I submit? I cannot submit.” This is an attitude of not accepting the truth. Their submission to God is conditional, and if their conditions are not met, not only do they not submit, they are also liable to push back against and resist God. For example, God asks that people be honest, but these antichrists believe that only fools try to be honest, and that clever people do not try to be honest. What is the essence of such an attitude? It is hatred of the truth. Such is the essence of antichrists, and their essence determines what path they walk, and the path they walk determines everything they do.

—The Word, Vol. 4. Exposing Antichrists. Item One: They Try to Win Over People’s Hearts

From the perspective of antichrists’ nature essence, they are hostile to the truth. How does this nature essence of hostility toward the truth reveal itself? It is that upon hearing God’s words, they feel repulsed, drowsy, and reveal various expressions of disdain, impatience, and unwillingness to listen. Their demonic demeanor is thus revealed. Outwardly, it seems they are doing their duty and they acknowledge themselves as followers of God. So why do they become unruly when the truth is fellowshipped, when God’s words are fellowshipped? Why can’t they sit still then? It’s as if God’s words carry a sword. Did God’s words pierce them? Did God’s words condemn them? No. Most of these words are for the nourishment of people, and upon hearing them, people are able to awaken, find a way to live, and be revived to live with human likeness. So why do some people react abnormally upon hearing these words? This is the devil revealing its true demeanor. They don’t feel repulsed when you talk about theology, heresies, fallacies, or the Book of Revelation. Even if you talk about being guileless, being a people pleaser, or tell heroic stories, they don’t feel repulsed. But the moment they hear God’s words being read, they feel repulsed, stand up, and want to leave. If you exhort them to listen properly, they become confrontational and they glare at you with anger. Why can’t such people take in God’s words? They can’t sit still when they hear God’s words—what’s going on here? This proves that their spirit within is abnormal, it is a spirit that is averse to the truth and is antagonistic to God. As soon as they hear God’s words, they become agitated inside, and the demon within them stirs, making them unable to sit still. This is the essence of an antichrist. So, from the outside, antichrists despise the words of God that do not accord with their notions. But what does this “not according with their notions” actually refer to? It clearly indicates that they condemn these words, they do not acknowledge them as coming from God and do not acknowledge them as the truth or as the way of life that saves people. Not according with their notions is merely an excuse, a surface-level phenomenon. What does it mean to not accord with their notions? Does every single person have no notions about all these words spoken by God? Can everyone accept them as God’s words, as the truth? No—every person, to a greater or lesser extent, at some level, has some thoughts, notions, or viewpoints that conflict or contradict God’s words. However, most people have normal rationality, and this rationality can help them overcome the attitude that crops up when they are confronted with God’s words that do not accord with their notions. Their rationality tells them, “Even if it doesn’t accord with my notions, these are still God’s words; even if it doesn’t accord with my notions, I am reluctant to listen, I feel it’s incorrect, and I feel it conflicts with my thoughts, these words are still the truth. I will slowly accept them, and one day when I recognize all of this, I will let go of my notions.” Their rationality tells them to first set aside their own notions; their notions are not the truth and cannot replace God’s words. Their rationality tells them to accept God’s words with an attitude of submission and honesty, instead of contradicting God’s words with their own notions and viewpoints. Thus, when they hear God’s words, they can accept those that accord with their notions and sit down to listen quietly. For those that don’t accord with their notions, they are also seeking solutions, striving to set aside their own notions and become compatible with God. This is the normal behavior of most rational people. However, the “not according with their notions” mentioned by antichrists is not the same as it is with ordinary people. In the antichrists’ case, it has serious issues; it is something completely opposite to God’s actions, words, essence, and disposition, something that belongs to a satanic disposition essence. In their case, it is condemnation, blasphemy, and mockery of God’s words. They believe that this common and easily understandable human language spoken by God is not the truth and cannot achieve the effect of saving people. This is the precise meaning of what antichrists mean by “not according with their notions.” So what is its essence? In reality, it is the condemnation, denial, and blasphemy of God.

—The Word, Vol. 4. Exposing Antichrists. Item Ten: They Despise the Truth, Brazenly Flout Principles, and Ignore the Arrangements of God’s House (Part Five)

Antichrists are inherently averse to the truth, and all words expressed by God are the truth, which they find thoroughly repulsive in their hearts and are unwilling to listen to or accept. God’s words of exposure and judgment to mankind are condemnations of these antichrists and evil people, and for them, these words are condemnations, judgments, and curses, making them feel uncomfortable and uneasy when they hear them. What do they think in their hearts? “All of these words that god speaks are judging and condemning me. It seems that someone like me cannot be saved; I’m the type that gets eliminated and rejected. Since I have no hope of being saved, what’s the point of believing in god? But the fact is that he is still god, he is the flesh in which god is incarnate, who has spoken so many words and has so many followers. What should I do about this?” This matter makes them anxious; if they can’t gain something, they don’t want others to have it either. If others can gain it while they cannot, they become bitterly hateful and unhappy. They hope that the incarnate God would not be God and that the work He does would be false and not done by God. If this were the case, they would feel balanced inside, and the problem would be resolved at its root. They think to themselves, “If this person were not the incarnate god, then wouldn’t it mean those who follow him were being fooled? If that were the case, then sooner or later these people would disband. If they dispersed and none of them gained anything, then I could rest easy and feel balanced knowing I didn’t gain anything, right?” This is their mentality; they can’t gain anything, so they don’t want others to gain anything either. The best way to prevent others from gaining anything is to deny Christ, to deny the essence of Christ, to deny the work that Christ has done, and to deny all the words spoken by Christ. This way, they won’t be condemned, and they are resigned to and at peace with not gaining anything, no longer needing to be concerned about this matter. This is the nature essence of people like antichrists. So, do they have notions about Christ? And when they have notions, do they resolve them? Can they let them go? They cannot. How are their notions engendered? It’s easy for them to engender notions: “When you speak, I scrutinize you, trying to understand the motive behind your words and where they come from. Are they something you’ve heard or learned, or did someone instruct you to say them? Did someone make a report or lodge a complaint to you? Who are you exposing?” They scrutinize in this way. Can they understand the truth? They can never understand the truth; they resist it in their hearts. They are averse to the truth, resist it, and hate it, and they listen to sermons with this kind of nature essence. Apart from theories and doctrines, all they gather are notions. What kind of notions? “Christ speaks this way, sometimes even telling jokes; that’s not reverent! He sometimes uses allegorical sayings; that’s not serious! His speech isn’t eloquent; he’s not highly educated! Sometimes he has to ponder and think about his choice of words; he didn’t attend university, did he? Sometimes his speech targets someone specific—who? Has someone lodged a complaint? Who was it? Why does christ always criticize me when he speaks? Is he watching and observing me all day long? Does he spend the whole day pondering about people? What’s christ thinking in his heart? The speech of god incarnate doesn’t sound like the thunderous voice of the god in heaven with its unquestionable authority—why does what he manifests seem so human-like? He’s just a person, no matter how I look at him. Does god incarnate have any weaknesses? Does he hate people in his heart? Does he have any philosophy for worldly dealings in his interactions with people?” Aren’t these notions plentiful? (Yes.) The thoughts of antichrists are filled with things unrelated to the truth, all stemming from Satan’s thinking and logic, from Satan’s philosophy for worldly dealings. Deep within, they are brimming with wickedness, filled with a state and a disposition that are averse to the truth. They come not to seek or gain the truth, but to scrutinize God. Their notions can arise anytime, anywhere, and they engender notions while observing, while scrutinizing. Their notions form during their judgment and condemnation, and they hold onto these notions tightly in their hearts. When they observe the human side of God incarnate, they engender notions. When they see the divine side, they become curious and astonished, which also leads to engendering notions. Their attitude toward Christ and toward the flesh in which God is incarnate is not one of submission or of genuine acceptance from the depths of their hearts. Instead, they stand opposite Christ, observing and scrutinizing His gaze, thoughts, and bearing, and even observing and scrutinizing every expression of Christ, listening to every kind of tone, intonation of speaking, and choice of words, and to what is referred to in Christ’s speech and so on. When antichrists observe and scrutinize Christ in this way, their attitude is not one of intending to seek the truth and understand it so that they can accept Christ as their God and accept Christ to be their truth and become their life. On the contrary, they want to scrutinize this person, to thoroughly scrutinize and comprehend Him. What are they trying to comprehend? They are scrutinizing how this person resembles God, and if He truly resembles God, they accept Him. If no matter how they scrutinize Him, He doesn’t seem like God, then they completely give up on the idea and continue to hold onto notions about the incarnate God, or, believing there’s no hope of receiving blessings, they look for an opportunity to leave quickly.

It’s quite normal for antichrists to engender notions about the flesh in which God is incarnate. Due to their essence as antichrists, their essence which is averse to the truth, it’s impossible for them to let go of their notions. When nothing is happening, they read from the book of God’s words and see these words as God, but upon coming into contact with the incarnate God and finding that He does not resemble God, they immediately engender notions and their attitude changes. When not in contact with the incarnate God, they merely hold the book of God’s words and regard His words as God, and they can still harbor a vague fantasy and an intention of receiving blessings to reluctantly exert some effort, do some duties, and play a role in God’s house. But, as soon as they come into contact with the flesh in which God is incarnate, their minds swarm with notions. Even if they are not pruned, their enthusiasm for doing their duties may significantly wane. This is how antichrists treat God’s words and the flesh in which God is incarnate. They often separate God’s words from the flesh in which God is incarnate, treating God’s words as God and the flesh in which God is incarnate as a human. When the flesh in which God is incarnate doesn’t align with or violates their notions, they quickly turn to God’s words and pray-read them, trying to forcibly suppress their notions and lock them away. Then, they worship God’s words as if they were worshiping God Himself, and it seems as though their notions have been resolved. In reality, however, their inner noncompliance and contempt toward Christ are not resolved at all. In their treatment of Christ, antichrists continually engender notions and stubbornly cling to them until death. When they don’t have notions, they scrutinize and analyze; when they do have notions, not only do they scrutinize and analyze, they also stubbornly hold onto them. They neither resolve their notions nor seek the truth; they are convinced that they are right. Is this not satanic? (Yes.) These are the manifestations of antichrists when they have notions about God incarnate.

—The Word, Vol. 4. Exposing Antichrists. Item Ten: They Despise the Truth, Brazenly Flout Principles, and Ignore the Arrangements of God’s House (Part Three)

God has said many words and done much work, yet however practical His words are, however edifying the truths He speaks are to people, however urgently they need to understand them, antichrists aren’t interested, and they don’t take them to heart. Indeed, the more God speaks, the more specific work He does, the more repulsed, irritable, and resistant they feel. What’s more, there will even arise in them condemnation of God and blasphemy against Him; they’ll clamor against Him: “Is your almightiness in these words? That’s all you do—express words? If you didn’t speak, would you not be almighty? If you’re almighty, then don’t speak. Don’t use speech or fellowshipping on the truth and provisioning man with the truth to enable us to gain life and achieve dispositional change. If you had us all become angels overnight, your messengers—now, that would be almightiness!” As God speaks His words and does His work, the nature of antichrists is revealed and exposed, bit by bit, without any concealment, and their essence of being averse to and resistant to the truth is laid entirely bare, as well. The disposition and essence of antichrists that despises God’s identity and His essence is also exposed and revealed, bit by bit, with the passage of time and the ceaseless, forward advancement God makes in His work. Antichrists pursue vague things; they pursue the sight of signs and wonders—and governed by this ambition and desire, which doesn’t conform to reality, their nature of being averse to the truth and hating it is brought out into the light. By contrast, those who truly pursue reality and the truth, who believe in and love positive things, see God’s almightiness in the process of His work and words—and what these people can see, what they can gain, and what they can know are exactly what antichrists are forever unable to know and unable to gain. Antichrists believe that if people would gain the life from God, there need to be signs and wonders; they believe that without signs and wonders, gaining the life and the truth from God’s words alone, and thereby achieving dispositional change and attaining salvation, is an impossibility. To an antichrist, that is an eternal impossibility—it doesn’t hold water. That’s why they tirelessly wait and pray, in hope that God will reveal signs and wonders and perform miracles for them—and if He doesn’t, then His almightiness doesn’t exist. The implication behind this is that if God’s almightiness doesn’t exist, then God certainly doesn’t exist. This is the logic of antichrists. They condemn God’s righteousness, and they condemn His almightiness.

—The Word, Vol. 4. Exposing Antichrists. Item Ten: They Despise the Truth, Brazenly Flout Principles, and Ignore the Arrangements of God’s House (Part One)

Antichrists do not acknowledge or believe in the least in the righteousness and almightiness in God’s disposition essence, much less have any knowledge of them. It’s harder still, of course, for them to believe in, acknowledge, and know God’s holiness and uniqueness. So, when God mentions that He’d have people be honest, that He’d have them be down-to-earth created beings that can keep to their stations, ideas arise in antichrists, and an attitude and feeling come to them. They say: “Is god not exalted? Is he not supreme? If so, the requirements he makes of man should be grand and exalted. I thought god was so mysterious; I wouldn’t have thought he’d make such trifling demands of man. Can those be thought of as the truth? They’re too simple! It would be right for god’s requirements to be elevated: One should be a super-person, a great person, an able person—that’s what god should require man to do. He’d have one be an honest person—is that really god’s work? Is it not counterfeit?” In the depths of their hearts, antichrists don’t just resist the truth—as they do, blasphemy comes to them, too. Is that not them despising the truth? They’re rife with contempt and disdain for God’s demands; they define and treat them with an attitude of scorn, disregard, sarcasm, and ridicule. Evidently, antichrists are odious in their disposition essence; they’re unable to accept things or words that are true, beautiful, and practical. God’s essence is true and practical, and His requirements of people are in line with what people need. “Grand and exalted,” as the antichrists bring up—what is that? It’s false, empty, and hollow; it corrupts people and misleads them; it makes them fall, and takes them far from God. The truths God expresses and His life, on the other hand, are faithful, lovely, and practical. Once one has experienced and been through God’s words for a while, they’ll discover that God’s life alone is what’s most lovely, that it’s His words alone that can change people and be their lives, and are what people need—while those grand, exalted opinions and sayings put forth by Satan and antichrists are diametrically opposed to the trueness and practicality of God’s demands of man. Therefore, on the basis of antichrists’ essence of this sort, they’re entirely unable to accept God’s holiness and uniqueness. There’s absolutely no way that they’ll acknowledge those things. And as for the various facets of people’s corrupt disposition and corrupt essence that are exposed by God—their intransigence and arrogance, their dispositions of deceitfulness, wickedness, of being averse to the truth, and of viciousness—antichrists don’t accept them at all. And as for God’s judgment of people and His stern rebuking of them, antichrists aren’t merely unable to know God’s holiness and loveliness in those—to the contrary, they are at heart averse to those words God speaks, and resist them. Each time they read God’s words that chastise, judge, and expose man’s corrupt disposition, they hate them and want to swear. If someone says they’re an arrogant person, an intransigent person, a wicked person who’s averse to the truth, they’ll argue with that person and swear about their forebears; and if someone exposes their corrupt essence and condemns them, it’s as if that person meant to kill them—they absolutely won’t accept it. It’s because antichrists have such an essence and reveal such things that they’re identified, without their knowing it, and unwittingly isolated and revealed, in God’s house and the church. Their ambition and desire often goes unfulfilled, and so their hatred mounts for the words God speaks, for His existence, and for the phrase “the truth reigns in God’s house.” If you say that phrase to them, they’ll want to battle you to the death, to torment and punish you to death. Does this not show on its own that antichrists are inimical to God? It does, indeed!

—The Word, Vol. 4. Exposing Antichrists. Item Ten: They Despise the Truth, Brazenly Flout Principles, and Ignore the Arrangements of God’s House (Part One)

Antichrists’ archetypal attitude toward pruning is to vehemently refuse to accept or admit it. No matter how much evil they do or how much harm they do to the work of God’s house and the life entry of God’s chosen people, they do not feel the slightest remorse or that they owe anything. From this point of view, do the antichrists have humanity? Absolutely not. They cause all sorts of damage to God’s chosen people and bring harm to the work of the church—God’s chosen people can see this as clear as day, and they can see antichrists’ succession of evil deeds. And yet the antichrists do not accept or acknowledge this fact; they stubbornly refuse to admit that they are in error or that they are responsible. Is this not an indication that they are averse to the truth? Such is the extent to which antichrists are averse to the truth. No matter how much wickedness they commit, they stubbornly refuse to admit it, and they remain unyielding to the end. This sufficiently proves that antichrists never take the work of God’s house seriously or accept the truth. They haven’t come to believe in God; they are minions of Satan, come to disturb and disrupt the work of God’s house. In antichrists’ hearts there are only reputation and status. They believe that if they were to acknowledge their error, then they would have to accept responsibility, and then their status and reputation would be severely compromised. As a result, they resist with the attitude of “deny until you die.” No matter how people expose or dissect them, they do their utmost to deny it. Whether their denial is deliberate or not, in short, in one regard these behaviors expose the antichrists’ nature essence of being averse to and hating the truth. In another regard, it shows how much the antichrists treasure their own status, reputation, and interests. What, meanwhile, is their attitude toward the work and interests of the church? It is one of contempt and irresponsibility. They lack all conscience and reason. Doesn’t the antichrists’ shirking of responsibility demonstrate these issues? In one regard, shirking responsibility proves their nature essence of being averse to and hating the truth, while in another regard, it shows their lack of conscience, reason, and humanity. No matter how much the brothers’ and sisters’ life entry is harmed by their disturbance and evildoing, they feel no reproach and could never be upset by this. What sort of creature is this? Even admission to part of their mistake would count as them having a bit of conscience and reason, but the antichrists do not even have that slight amount of humanity. So what would you say they are? The antichrists are devils in essence. No matter how much damage they do to the interests of the house of God, they do not see it. They are not remotely saddened by it in their hearts, nor do they reproach themselves, much less feel indebted. This is absolutely not what should be seen in normal people. They are devils, and devils are devoid of any conscience or reason. No matter how many bad things they do, and no matter how great losses they bring to the church’s work, they vehemently refuse to acknowledge this. They believe that acknowledging it would mean that they had done something wrong. They think, “Could I do something wrong? I’d never do anything wrong! If I’m made to acknowledge my mistake, wouldn’t that be an insult to my character? Though I was involved in that incident, I didn’t cause it to happen, and I wasn’t the main person in charge. Go look for whoever you want, but you shouldn’t come looking for me. In any case, I can’t acknowledge this mistake. I can’t shoulder this responsibility!” They think that they will be condemned, sentenced to death, and sent down to hell and the lake of fire and brimstone if they acknowledge their mistake. Tell Me, can people like this accept the truth? Can one expect their true repentance? Regardless of how others fellowship on the truth, antichrists still resist it, set themselves against it, and defy it in the depths of their hearts. Even after they are dismissed, they still don’t admit to their mistakes, and they do not show any manifestations of repentance at all. When the matter is mentioned 10 years later, they still don’t know themselves, and don’t admit that they made a mistake. When the matter is brought up 20 years later, they still don’t know themselves, and they still try to justify and defend themselves. And more detestable still, when the matter is mentioned 30 years later, they still don’t know themselves, and they still try to argue for and justify themselves, saying: “I didn’t make a mistake, so I can’t admit to one. It wasn’t my responsibility; I shouldn’t shoulder it.” And to everyone’s surprise, 30 years after they were dismissed, these antichrists still harbor an attitude of resistance toward the way that the church handled them. Even after 30 years, they haven’t changed at all. So, how did they spend those 30 years? Could it be that they didn’t read God’s word or reflect on themselves? Could it be that they didn’t pray to or confide in God? Could it be that they didn’t listen to sermons and fellowship? Could it be that they are mindless, and do not possess the thinking of normal humanity? How they spent those 30 years is truly a mystery. Thirty years after the incident took place, they’re still full of resentment, thinking that the brothers and sisters wronged them, that God doesn’t understand them, that God’s house mistreated them, created problems for them, made things difficult for them, and unjustly blamed them. Tell Me, can people like this change? They absolutely cannot change. Their hearts are filled with hostility toward positive things, and resistance and opposition. They believe that, by exposing their evil deeds and pruning them, other people damaged their characters, dishonored their reputation, and caused immense harm to their reputation and status. They will never come before God to pray, seek, and recognize their own mistakes in this matter, and they will never have an attitude of repentance or acknowledgment of their mistakes. Even less will they accept the judgment and chastisement of God’s words. Today, they still harbor disobedience, dissatisfaction, and grievances as they justify themselves to God, and ask God to redress these wrongs, to reveal this matter, and to judge exactly who was right and who was wrong, to the extent that they even doubt and deny God’s righteousness because of this matter, and doubt and deny the fact that God’s house is ruled by the truth and God. This is the ultimate outcome of antichrists being pruned—do they accept the truth? They do not accept the truth at all; they are dead set against accepting it. From this, we can see that the nature essence of an antichrist is averse to and hates the truth.

—The Word, Vol. 4. Exposing Antichrists. Item Nine (Part Three)

Antichrists are averse to the truth and hate it. Is it possible for you to make someone who’s averse to the truth accept it and practice it? (No.) Doing that is equivalent to making a cow climb a tree or a wolf eat hay—would that be asking the impossible of them? You’ll sometimes see a wolf infiltrate a flock to be there with the sheep. It’s putting on a ruse, waiting for its chance to eat the sheep. Its nature will never change. Likewise, having an antichrist practice the truth is equivalent to having a wolf eat hay and abandon its sheep-eating instinct: It’s impossible. Wolves are carnivores. They eat sheep—they eat all sorts of animals. That’s their nature, and it can’t be changed. If someone says, “I don’t know whether I’m an antichrist, but whenever I hear the truth fellowshipped, my heart flares with rage, and I hate it—and whoever would prune me, I hate them even more,” is that person an antichrist? (Yes.) Someone says, “When things befall you, you have to submit and seek the truth,” and that first person says, “Submit, my foot! Stop talking!” What sort of thing is that? Is it a bad temper? (No.) What disposition is it? (Hatred of the truth.) They won’t even abide talk of it, and as soon as you fellowship the truth, their nature bursts forth, and they show their true form. They dislike hearing any mention of seeking the truth or submitting to God. How great is their dislike? When they hear such talk, they erupt. Their civility falls away; they’re not afraid to let the cat out of the bag. That’s how far their hatred goes. Can they practice the truth, then? (No.) The truth isn’t meant for the evil; it’s meant for those people possessed of a conscience and reason, who love the truth and positive things. It requires of those people that they accept it and practice it. And as for those wicked people with an antichrist’s essence, who are extremely hostile toward the truth and positive things, they won’t ever accept the truth. However many years they believe in God, however many sermons they hear, they will not accept or practice the truth. Don’t suppose that they don’t practice the truth because they don’t understand it, and that they’ll understand when they’ve heard more of it. It’s impossible, because all who are averse to the truth and hate it are of Satan’s ilk. They’ll never change, and no one else can change them. It’s just like the archangel, after betraying God: Have you ever heard God say that He would save the archangel? God never said that. So, what did God do to Satan? He cast it down into the midair and has it render service to Him on the earth, doing what it should. And when it’s finished rendering service, and God’s management plan is completed, He will destroy it, and that will be that. Does God say a single additional thing to it? (No.) Why not? Because it would, in a word, be useless. To say a single thing to it would be superfluous. God has seen through it: An antichrist’s nature essence can never change. That’s how it goes.

—The Word, Vol. 4. Exposing Antichrists. Item Eight: They Would Have Others Submit Only to Them, Not the Truth or God (Part Two)

Previous: 8. How to discern the vicious nature of antichrists

Next: 10. How to discern the nature essence of Paul

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