52 Praise God Who Has Returned Victorious
After having carried out
His six thousand years of work through the present day,
God has already revealed many of His acts,
the primary purpose of which has been to defeat Satan
and save all of humanity.
He is using this opportunity
to allow everything in heaven, everything upon the earth,
everything within the seas, and all creation on earth
to see His almightiness and to witness all of His acts.
He is seizing the opportunity provided by His defeat of Satan
to reveal all of His deeds to humans
and to enable them to praise Him and exalt His wisdom in defeating Satan.
Everything on earth, everything in heaven,
and all things within the seas brings God glory, brings God glory,
praises His almightiness, praises every one of His deeds,
and shouts His holy name, shouts His holy name.
This is proof of His defeat of Satan;
it is proof of His vanquishing of Satan.
More importantly, it is proof of His salvation of humanity.
The whole of God’s creation brings Him glory,
praises Him for defeating His enemy and returning victoriously,
and extols Him as the great victorious King.
The whole of God’s creation brings Him glory,
the whole of God’s creation brings Him glory,
praises Him for defeating His enemy and returning victoriously,
and extols Him as the great victorious King.
from The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. You Should Know How the Whole of Humanity Has Developed to the Present Day