586 Missing the Chance to Be Perfected by God Is a Lifelong Regret


Eating and drinking God’s words, practicing prayer,

accepting God’s burden and His commission—

all of this is so that there may be a path before you.

The more burden you have for God’s commission,

the easier it will be for you to be perfected by Him.

Some are unwilling to coordinate with others in service to God,

even when they have been called upon;

these are lazy people who wish only to revel in comfort.

The more you are asked to serve in coordination with others,

the more experience you will gain.

Due to having more burdens and experiences,

you will gain more chances to be perfected.


Therefore, if you can serve God with sincerity,

then you will be mindful of God’s burden;

you will have more chances to be perfected by God.

It’s just such a group of people that is now being perfected.

The more the Holy Spirit touches you,

the more time you will devote to being mindful of God’s burden,

the more you will be perfected by God,

and the more you will be gained by Him—

until, in the end, you will become a person whom God uses.


You should be mindful of God’s burden today;

you should not wait for God to reveal

His righteous disposition to all humanity

before growing mindful of God’s burden.

Would it not be too late by then?

Now is a good opportunity to be perfected by God.

If you allow this chance to slip through your fingers,

you will regret it for the rest of your life,

just as Moses couldn’t enter the good land of Canaan

and regretted it for the rest of his life, dying with remorse.

Once God has revealed His righteous disposition to all peoples,

you will be filled with regret.

Even if God does not chastise you,

you will chastise yourself out of your own remorse.


The best opportunity to attain perfection is the present;

now is an extremely good time.

If you do not earnestly seek to be perfected by God,

once His work has concluded,

it will be too late—you will have missed the opportunity.

No matter how great your aspirations,

if God is no longer performing work,

then regardless of the effort you put in,

you will never be able to attain perfection.

from The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. Be Mindful of God’s Will in Order to Attain Perfection

Previous: 585 Bear More Burden to Be More Easily Perfected by God

Next: 587 Blessed Are Those Who Truly Expend Themselves for God

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