587 Blessed Are Those Who Truly Expend Themselves for God


Today, God loves whoever can follow His will,

whoever can show consideration for His burdens,

also whoever can give their all for Him

with a true heart and sincerity.

God will constantly enlighten them,

and not let them slip away from Him.

God often says, “To all of those who sincerely expend for Me,

I shall surely bless you greatly,

I shall surely bless you greatly.”


What does the word “bless” refer to? Do you know?

In the context of the current Holy Spirit’s work,

it refers to the burdens God gives to you,

it refers to the burdens God gives to you.

For all who can carry a burden for the church,

who sincerely offer themselves up for God’s sake,

who sincerely offer themselves up for God’s sake,

their burdens and their earnestness

are both blessings that come from God.

And His revelations to them are also a blessing from God.

from The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. Utterances of Christ in the Beginning, Chapter 82

Previous: 586 Missing the Chance to Be Perfected by God Is a Lifelong Regret

Next: 588 Rise Up, Cooperate With God

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