1093 The Attitude a Created Being Should Have Toward God


As a created being, what type of attitude should a person have toward God?

What are the principles that need to be followed?

What are the principles that need to be followed?

As a person—a corrupt human being—

what perspective and position should one adopt

toward everything God gives man and the environments He arranges?

People should reflect on and ponder such things as these.

No matter when and no matter how a person treats God,

in fact, the identity of man does not change;

people are always created beings.

If you are not reconciled to your status as a created being,

it means that you are rebellious,

and you are far from changing your disposition,

far from fearing God and shunning evil.


If you are reconciled to your place as a created being,

then what sort of attitude should you have toward God?

At the very least, you must be possessed of this one thing:

unconditional submission.

That means at any given time, what God does is never wrong,

and it is only people who err, it is only people who err.

Regardless of the environments that crop up—

especially in the face of adversity,

and especially when God reveals or exposes people—

the first thing one should do is to come before God

to reflect themselves

and examine their words and deeds and their corrupt disposition,

instead of examining, studying, and judging whether God’s words and actions

are right or wrong.


If you stay in your proper position,

you should know exactly what it is you ought to be doing.

You have a corrupt disposition and don’t understand the truth,

and you can judge God arbitrarily

and approach and interact with Him

as your mood, preferences, and emotions dictate.

However, if you do not seek the truth, if you do not practice the truth,

not only will you not be able to submit to God,

but you could misunderstand and complain about Him, condemn and oppose Him,

and even scold and reject Him in your heart, saying that He is not righteous,

saying that not everything He does is necessarily right.

It’s dangerous that you may yet give rise to such things,

it’s dangerous that you may yet give rise to such things.

Not seeking the truth can cost one their life!

And this can happen at any time and at any place.

from The Word, Vol. 4. Exposing Antichrists. Item Ten: They Despise the Truth, Brazenly Flout Principles, and Ignore the Arrangements of God’s House (Part Three)

Previous: 1092 God Has Been Awaiting Mankind’s Entry Onto the Right Path for a Long Time

Next: 1099 Do Not Resist or Fear God’s Trials and Refinement

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