1099 Do Not Resist or Fear God’s Trials and Refinement


Don’t seek only to enjoy God’s grace and blessings

while inwardly resisting and rejecting God’s chastisement and judgment,

or fearing God’s trials and refinement for you.

These fears and resistance are all to no avail.

God does not do all these things according to whether you like them or not,

or according to your subjective wish or your choice,

but according to His wishes, His thoughts, and His plans,

according to His wishes, His thoughts, and His plans.

Therefore, as a created being, as a created being,

in addition to accepting God’s grace and blessings,

you must also be able to truly accept and experience in your heart

the chastisement, judgment, trials and refinement of God’s words.

But you must understand

God’s revealing and exposing you, disciplining, chastening and chastising you,

and His judgment, trials and refinement, and even cursing of you

are based on your stature, your circumstances,

and of course your personal pursuits.

If God approves of you,

then His judgment, chastisement, trials and refinement

will befall you at the appropriate time.


Over the course of your belief in God,

His blessings and grace accompany you at all times and in all places,

as will His exposure, chastening, discipline, chastisement and judgment,

trials and refinement, and so on.

Of course, at all times and in all places

means in just measure, at the right time, and based on God’s plan.

It doesn’t happen to people arbitrarily,

and it doesn’t mean a major calamity will suddenly befall people

as soon as they stop being careful.

It’s not like that at all.

If you don’t have sufficient stature, or you are particularly resistant

and afraid of God’s chastisement, judgment, trials, and refinement,

then God will not force things on you against your will,

God will not force things on you against your will.

Regardless of whether these things happen or not,

people should know God’s work and understand His intentions.

People should know God’s work and understand His intentions.

Only with an accurate knowledge of God’s words

can people have a correct attitude, a normal state,

and only then can people properly face whatever befalls them,

properly face whatever befalls them.

from The Word, Vol. 6. On the Pursuit of the Truth I. What It Means to Pursue the Truth (11)

Previous: 1093 The Attitude a Created Being Should Have Toward God

Next: 1103 Emulate Abraham’s Faith and Submission to God

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