Chapter 89

It is not easy to do everything in accordance with My intentions. It is not a matter of forcing yourself in pretense; rather, it depends on whether I endowed you with My caliber prior to My creation of the world. All these things are up to Me. They are not things that humans can accomplish. I love whom I wish to love, and whoever I say is the firstborn son, is surely the firstborn son. That is exactly right! You might want to fake it, but doing so would be in vain! Do you think I cannot recognize you for what you are? Is it good enough for you to just exhibit some good behavior when before Me? Is it that simple? It absolutely is not; you must have My promise, and you must have My predestination. Do you think I am unaware of what you do behind My back? You are debauched! Once your service to Me is done, hurry back to the lake of fire and brimstone! I am disgusted; I am filled with loathing at the very sight of you. All in service to Me, all who do not loyally expend themselves for Me, all who are dissolute and unrestrained, and all who cannot grasp My intentions—after your service is done, hurry up and get out of My sight! Otherwise, I will kick you out! These people may not stay in My house (namely, the church) for a single moment longer. They must all get out of here so as not to bring shame on My name and ruin My reputation. These people are all descendants of the great red dragon; they were sent by the great red dragon to disrupt My management. They specialize in deceit to disturb My work. My son! You must see through this! Do not associate with such people. When you see these kinds of people, quickly get far away from them to avoid falling into their traps; that would do your life harm! I most detest those people who speak carelessly, who act without thinking, who just joke around and laugh, and who engage in frivolous chitchat. I do not want any of those people; they are all of the ilk of Satan! They engage in teasing for no reason at all. What are these creatures? They talk nonsense and run amok. Do they still feel no shame? Actually, this type of person has the least value, and I have long since seen through them and abandoned them. Had I not, why would they repeatedly talk nonsense without being subject to My discipline? They truly are descendants of the great red dragon! Now, I have begun to remove these things one by one. Could I use Satan’s descendants as My firstborn sons, as My sons and My people? Would I not then be muddled? I will definitely not do that. Do you have a clear understanding of this?

Everything that you encounter today, whether good or bad, was all arranged by My wise hands; all is orchestrated by Me and under My control. This is definitely not something that humankind can readily accomplish. Some people still have sweaty palms from worrying about Me, but they truly need not worry! They neglect their main task, and do not seek to enter the spirit, yet still they wish for growth in life. They hope in vain! They are not anxious at all, yet they still want to satisfy My intentions! You worry on My behalf, but I do not worry. What are you worried about? Your work for Me is perfunctory, and you lie through your teeth. I tell you! From this moment forth, I shall drive people like you out of My house. Such people are not worthy of serving Me in My house. I detest them because they blaspheme Me with their actions. When it was said “blasphemy against Me is an unforgivable sin,” to whom did this refer? Are you clear about this? A person like this believes the problem has not yet gotten so serious, even though he has already committed this sin. Truly, this muddled person is blind and ignorant, and lacks spiritual understanding! I will kick you out! (Because this is Satan’s testing of Me, I hate it so much, and this subject has been repeatedly mentioned, enraging Me every time. I cannot hold My rage back, and nobody can stop it. The time has not yet come, otherwise I would have long since dealt with that person!) (This is about the fact that at present, there are many people who still do not believe that foreigners will seek to crowd into China; even now they still do not believe, and this is causing My rage to churn and boil over.)

Within My house, exactly what sort of person is it who accords with My intentions? That is, prior to creation, what sort of people did I predestine to live in My house forever? Do you know? Have you considered what sort of people I love and what sort of people I hate? My house is for those who are of the same mind as Me, and who share good times and hardships with Me—in other words, people who share in both the blessings and in hardship. These people can all love what I love and hate what I hate. They are able to abandon what I detest. If I say they cannot eat, then they are willing to let their stomachs go empty to satisfy My intentions. This kind of person is willing to remain loyal to Me and expend themselves for Me, and can show consideration for My painstaking efforts, always working hard for My sake. Therefore, to such people, I grant the status of firstborn sons, giving everything I have to them: I have the ability to lead all the churches, and this I give unto them; I have wisdom, and this I also give unto them; I can suffer for the sake of practicing the truth, and I shall also grant these people determination, making them able to suffer everything for My sake; I have good caliber, and I shall give it unto them, making them exactly like Me, without the slightest bit of difference, so that others will see Me when they see these people. Now, I am putting My complete divinity within these people to enable them to live out one aspect of My complete divinity, so that they can manifest Me fully; this is My intention. Do not seek to be like Me in terms of outward things (eating the same as Me, or wearing the same clothes as Me); all of that is useless, and you will only ruin yourselves if you seek such things. This is because those who seek to imitate Me outwardly are lackeys of Satan, and that sort of effort is a scheme of Satan; it is reflective of Satan’s ambition. You seek to be the same as I, but are you worthy? I will trample you to death! My work is constantly underway, expanding to every nation around the world. Quickly, follow My footsteps!

Previous: Chapter 88

Next: Chapter 90

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