Chapter 90

All those who are blind must be gone from Me and must not remain a moment longer, for the ones I want are those who can know Me, who can see Me and who can gain all things from Me. And who can truly gain all things from Me? There are most certainly very few of this kind of person and they will surely receive My blessings. I love these people and I will pick them out one by one to be My right hand, to be My manifestation. I shall make all nations and all peoples praise Me unceasingly, cheering on and on for the sake of these people. Oh, Mount Zion! Raise the banner of victory and cheer for Me! For I go across the universe and to the ends of the earth, covering every corner of mountains, rivers and all things, before returning here once more. I return victoriously with righteousness, judgment, wrath and burning, and even more so with My firstborn sons. All things that I loathe and all people, matters, and objects that I detest, I cast far away. I am victorious and I have completed all that I want to do. Who dares to say I have not completed My work? Who dares to say I have not gained My firstborn sons? Who dares to say that I have not returned in triumph? Such people are certainly the kind of Satan; they are those who find it hard to gain My pardon. They are blind, they are filthy demons and I loathe them the most. On these things I will begin to reveal My wrath and the entirety of My judgment, and, through My burning fire, kindle the universe and the earth from end to end, illuminating every corner—this is My administrative decree.

Once you have understood My words, you should derive comfort from them; you must not let them pass by unheeded. Utterances of judgment befall every day, so why are you so dull-witted and numb? Why do you not cooperate with Me? Are you so willing to go to hell? I say I am the God of mercy to My firstborn sons, My sons and people, so how do you understand this? This is not a simple statement, and it should be comprehended from a positive perspective. Oh, blind mankind! I have saved you many a time, bringing you out of Satan’s grasp and out of chastisement so that you may obtain My promise, so why do you not show any consideration for My heart? Can any one of you be saved in this way? My righteousness, majesty and judgment show no mercy to Satan. But as far as you are concerned, the purpose of these things is to save you, yet you are just incapable of understanding My disposition, and nor do you know the principles behind My actions. You thought that I make no distinctions in the severity of My various actions, and that I make no distinctions between the targets of My actions—how ignorant! I am able to see clearly all people, events, and things. I understand with complete clarity the substance of every person, which is to say, I completely see through to the things a person harbors within themselves. I can see clearly if a person is a jezebel or a harlot, and I know who does what in secret. Do not flaunt your charms before Me, you wretch! Get out of here now! So as to avoid bringing shame on My name, I make no use of that kind of person! They cannot bear witness to My name, and instead act counterproductively and bring disgrace to My family! They shall be expelled from My house immediately. I do not want them. I will not tolerate a delay of even one second! For those people, no matter how they seek, it is futile, for in My kingdom all are holy and unblemished in any way. If I say I do not want someone—and that includes My own people—then I mean it; do not wait for Me to change My mind. I do not care how good you were to Me before!

I reveal mysteries to you every day. Do you know My method of speaking? What is the basis upon which I reveal My mysteries? Do you know? You often say that I am the God who provides for you at the right time, so how do you comprehend these aspects? I reveal My mysteries to you one by one in accordance with the steps of My work, and I provide for you in accordance with My plan, and even more so in accordance with your real statures (whenever My provision is mentioned, it is in reference to every single person in the kingdom). My method of speaking is thus: To the people in My house I give comfort—I provide for them and I judge them; to Satan I show no mercy, not a shred, and all is wrath and burning. I will use My administrative decrees to cast out from My house one by one those whom I have not predestined or chosen. There is no need to feel anxious. After I cause them to reveal their original forms (after they render service for My sons when the end comes), they will return to the bottomless pit, or else I shall never put this matter to rest and I shall never let go. People often mention hell and Hades. But what do these two words refer to, and what is the difference between them? Do they really refer to some cold, dark corner? Human minds are always disrupting My management, thinking that their own random ponderings are perfectly good! But these are all nothing but their own imaginings. Hades and hell both refer to a temple of filth that has previously been lived in by Satan or by evil spirits. That is to say, whosoever has been occupied before by Satan or by evil spirits—it is they who are Hades and it is they who are hell—there is no mistake! This is why I have stressed repeatedly in the past that I do not live in a temple of filth. Can I (God Himself) live in Hades, or in hell? Would that not be ridiculous nonsense? I have said this several times, but you still do not understand what I mean. Compared to hell, Hades is corrupted more severely by Satan. Those who are for Hades are the most serious cases, and I have simply not predestined these people; those who are for hell are those whom I have predestined, and then eliminated. Put simply, I have not chosen even one of these people.

People frequently show themselves to be experts at misunderstanding My words. If I did not clearly point out and clarify things bit by bit, who among you would understand? You only half believe even the words that I speak, never mind things that have not been mentioned before. Now, internal disputes have begun within all nations: Laborers disputing with leaders, students with teachers, citizens with government officials, and all activities such as these that cause unrest first arise within every nation, and this is all just part of the service that is rendered to Me. And why do I say that service is rendered to Me through these things? Do I take pleasure in people’s misfortune? Do I sit by, unheeding? Certainly not! For this is Satan lashing out in its death throes, and the purpose of all of these things is to harness the negative to act as a foil for My power and for My wondrous deeds. It is all a strong testimony that bears witness to Me, and a weapon with which to attack Satan. Just when all nations of the world are fighting over land and influence, My firstborn sons and I reign as kings together and deal with them, and it is absolutely beyond their imagination that under these deplorable environmental conditions, My kingdom is realized utterly among man. Furthermore, when they vie for power and are wishing to judge others, others judge them and they are burned by My wrath—how pitiful! How pitiful! My kingdom is realized among man—what a glorious event this is!

Being human (whether the people of My kingdom or the progeny of Satan), you must all see My wondrous deeds, otherwise I shall never put this matter to rest. Even if you are willing to accept My judgment, it will still not do if you have not seen My wondrous deeds. All people must be convinced by heart, by word and by sight, and no one can be let off lightly. All people must give glory to Me. In the end, I shall make even the great red dragon rise up and praise Me for My victory. This is My administrative decree—will you remember it? All people must praise Me unendingly and give glory to Me!

Previous: Chapter 89

Next: Chapter 91

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