Chapter 44

People treat My work as something supplemental; they do not forgo food or sleep for its sake, so I have no choice but to make appropriate demands of man as befits his attitude toward Me. I recall I once gave man much grace and many blessings, but, after snatching these things, he left at once. It was as if I had unconsciously given them to him. So, man has always loved Me by means of his own notions. I want man to love Me truly; today, however, people still drag their feet, unable to give their true love to Me. In their imaginings, they believe that if they give their true love to Me, they will be left with nothing. When I object, their whole bodies tremble—yet they remain unwilling to give their true love to Me. It is as if they are waiting for something, so they look ahead, never telling Me the truth of what is happening. It is as if their mouths have been sealed with a sticker, so their speech constantly falters. Before man, it seems, I have become a merciless capitalist. People are always afraid of Me: At the sight of Me, they immediately disappear without a trace, terrified of what I will ask them about their circumstances. I do not know why people are capable of sincere love for their “fellow villagers,” yet are unable to love Me, who am upstanding in spirit. Because of this, I sigh: Why do people always release their love in the world of man? Why can I not taste the love of man? Is it because I am not one of mankind? People always treat Me like a savage from the mountains. It is as if I lacked all the parts that form a normal person, and so, before Me, people always affect a high moral tone. They often drag Me before them to rebuke Me, scolding Me as they would a child of preschool age; people always play the part of the educator before Me because, in their memories, I am someone who is irrational and uneducated. I do not chastise people for their failings, but give them suitable assistance, allowing them to receive regular “economic aid.” Because man has always lived amid catastrophe and finds it difficult to escape, and, amidst this disaster, he has always called out to Me, I punctually deliver “grain supplies” into his hands, allowing all people to live in the great family of the new era, and to experience the warmth of the great family. When I observe the work among man, I discover his many defects, and, as a result, I give him help. Even at this time, there is still exceptional poverty among man, and I have thus bestowed suitable care upon “impoverished areas,” lifting them from poverty. This is the means by which I work, allowing all people to enjoy My grace as much as they are able.

The people on earth unconsciously suffer chastisement, and so I open My great hand and pull them to My side, allowing them the good fortune of enjoying My grace on earth. What on earth is not empty and without value? I walk among all places in the world of man, and though there are multitudinous famous monuments and natural scenery that is pleasing to man, everywhere I go has long since become bereft of vitality. Only then do I feel the earth is gloomy and desolate: Upon the earth, life has long since disappeared. There is only the odor of death, and thus I have ever called upon man to hurry to leave this land of affliction. All that I see is redolent of emptiness. I take the chance to hurl the life in My hand toward those whom I have selected; instantly, there is a patch of green upon the land. People are willing to enjoy the things of vitality upon the earth, but I find no pleasure in this; people always cherish the things upon the earth, and never see their emptiness, such that, having reached this point today, they still do not understand why no life exists upon the earth. Today, as I walk within the universe, all people are able to enjoy the grace of the place where I am, and they use this as an asset, never pursuing the source of life. They all use what I give as an asset, yet none of them tries to perform the original function of vitality. They do not know how to use or develop natural resources, and they are thus left destitute. I reside among man, I live among man, yet today man still does not know Me. Though people have given Me much help as a result of My being so far from home, it is as if I have yet to establish the right friendship with man, and I thus still feel the unfairness of the world of man; in My eyes, mankind, after all, is empty, and there is no treasure of any value among man. I do not know what view people have of human life, but, in sum, My own is inseparable from the word “empty.” I hope people do not think badly of Me because of this, for I am quite forthright, and I do not try to be polite. However, I would advise people to pay closer attention to what I think, for My words, after all, are of help to them. I do not know what understanding people have of “emptiness.” My hope is that they spend a little effort on this work. They would do well to experience human life in a practical way, and to see if they can find any valuable “hidden veins of ore” in it. I am not trying to dampen people’s positivity; I simply want them to gain some knowledge from My words. I always rush about for the sake of human matters, but now, with things as they are, people still have not spoken a word of thanks, as if they were too busy and had forgotten to do so. Even today, I still do not understand what effect man’s rushing about all day has had. Even today, there remains no place for Me in people’s hearts, and so, once again, I fall into deep thought. I have begun setting Myself to the work of researching “why people do not have a heart that truly loves Me.” I shall lift man onto the “operating table,” I shall dissect his “heart,” and look at what is blocking the way in his heart and stopping him from truly loving Me. Under the effect of the “knife,” people squeeze their eyes shut, waiting for Me to begin, for, at this time, they have completely yielded; in their hearts, I find many other adulterations. Chief among these are people’s own things. Although they may have but a few things outside their bodies, those within their bodies are innumerable. It is as if man’s heart were a great storage box, full of riches and everything people would ever need. Only at this moment do I understand why people never pay Me any regard: It is because they have great self-sufficiency—what need do they have for My help? So, I depart from man, for people have no need of My help; why should I “act shamelessly” and incur their disgust?

Who knows why, but I have always been willing to speak amongst man, as if I cannot help Myself. Thus, people look upon Me as worthless, and always treat Me as though I was worth even less than a copper penny; they do not treat Me as something to be respected. They do not cherish Me, and they drag Me home whenever they wish, and then again throw Me out, “exposing” Me before the public. I have the utmost loathing for man’s ignoble behavior, and thus I baldly say that man is without conscience. But people are intransigent; they take their “swords and spears” and do battle with Me, saying that My words are at odds with reality, saying that I vilify them—but I do not wreak retribution upon them as a result of their violent behavior. I merely use My truths to win people over and to make them feel ashamed of themselves, after which they silently retreat. I do not compete with man, for there is no benefit in that. I will abide by My duty, and I hope that man can also abide by his and not act against Me. Would it not be better to get along peacefully in this way? Why hurt our relationship? We have gotten along all these years—what need is there to cause trouble for both of us? Would that not be totally without benefit to either of our reputations? Ours is a years-long “old friendship,” an “old acquaintance”—what need is there to part on acrimonious terms? Would it be good to do so? I hope people pay attention to the impact, that they know what is good for them. My attitude toward man today is sufficient for a lifetime of his discussion—why do people always fail to recognize My kindness? Is it because they lack the powers of expression? Do they lack sufficient vocabulary? Why are they always lost for words? Who is ignorant of how I conduct Myself? People are perfectly aware of My doings—it is only that they always like to take advantage of others, so they are never willing to put aside their own interests. If a phrase touches upon their own interests, they refuse to relax until they have gained the upper hand—and what is the point in that? People cannot compete over what they can contribute, but struggle over what they can obtain. Though there is no enjoyment in their status, they cherish it very much, even regarding it as a priceless treasure—and so they would rather endure My chastisement than give up the benefits of status. People think too highly of themselves, and thus are never willing to put themselves aside. Perhaps there are some small inaccuracies in My evaluation of man, or perhaps I have put on him a label that is neither harsh nor lenient, but, in sum, My hope is that people take this as a warning.

May 21, 1992

Previous: Chapter 43

Next: Chapter 45

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