Chapter 43

Perhaps it is only on account of My administrative decrees that people have taken a “great interest” in My words. Were they not governed by My administrative decrees, they would all be howling like tigers that have just been disturbed. Daily, I wander among the clouds, watching the humanity that covers the earth as they bustle about, subject to My restraint through My administrative decrees. In this way, the human race is kept in order, and I perpetuate My administrative decrees. From this time forth, those on earth receive all manner of chastisement on account of My administrative decrees, and as this chastisement descends on them, all humanity clamors loudly and flees in every direction. At this moment, the nations of earth immediately perish, the boundaries between nations cease to exist, place is no longer divided from place, and no more is there estrangement between men. I begin to do “ideological work” between men, so that people may coexist peacefully, one with another, no longer fighting, and, as I build bridges and establish connections in mankind’s midst, people become united. I shall fill the empyrean with the manifestations of My actions and make everything on earth fall prostrate under My power, thus implementing My plan for “global unity” and bringing this one wish of Mine to fruition, so that humanity will no longer “roam about” on the face of the earth, but find a suitable destination without delay. I take thought for the human race in every way, making it so that all mankind will soon come to live in a land of peace and happiness, so that the days of their lives will no longer be sad and desolate, and so that My plan will not come to naught upon the earth. Because man exists there, I shall build My nation upon the earth, for a part of the manifestation of My glory is upon the earth. In heaven above, I shall set My city aright and so make everything new above and below. I shall render all that exists above and below heaven into one unity, so that all things on earth will be united with all that is in heaven. This is My plan; it is what I shall accomplish in the final age—let no one interfere with this part of My work! Spreading My work among the Gentile nations is the last part of My work on earth. No one is able to fathom the work I shall do, and because of this, people are quite befuddled. And because I am busily occupied by My work on earth, people take the opportunity to “play around.” To keep them from being too unruly, I have first placed them under My chastisement to endure the discipline of the lake of fire. This is one step in My work, and I shall use the might of the lake of fire to accomplish this step of My work; otherwise, it would be impossible to carry out My work. I shall have human beings throughout the universe surrender before My throne, dividing them into different categories according to My judgment, classifying them according to these categories, and further sorting them into their families, so that the whole of humanity will cease to rebel against Me, falling instead into a neat and orderly arrangement according to the categories that I have named—let no one move about at random! Throughout the universe, I have wrought new work; throughout the universe, all humanity is dazed and dumbstruck by My sudden appearance, their horizons greatly expanded by My appearance in the open. Is today not just so?

I have taken My first stride among all nations and all peoples, and I have begun the first part of My work. I shall not disrupt My plan to begin anew: The sequence of the work among the Gentile nations is based on the procedure of My work in heaven. When all human beings lift up their eyes to look upon My every gesture and action, that is when I cast a fog upon the world. Men’s eyes dim at once, and they are unable to make out any direction, like sheep in a desert waste, and, when the gale starts howling, their cries are drowned by the howling wind. Amid the waves of the wind, human forms can faintly be seen, but no human voice can be heard, and though men are shouting at the top of their voice, the effort is futile. At this time, humanity weeps and wails loudly, hoping a savior will drop suddenly from the sky to lead them out of the boundless desert. But, no matter how great their faith, the savior remains immovable, and man’s hopes are dashed: The fire of faith that has been lit is blown out by the gale from the desert, and man lies prostrate in a barren and uninhabited place, nevermore to raise a blazing torch, and he falls senseless…. Seizing the moment, I cause an oasis to appear before man’s eyes. But, while his heart may be overjoyed, man’s body is too frail to respond, weak and limp of limb; and though he sees the beautiful fruits growing in the oasis, he lacks the strength to pluck them, because man’s “internal resources” have been exhausted entirely. I take the things man needs and offer them to him, but all he does is flash a fleeting smile, his face completely cheerless: Every jot of humanity’s strength has disappeared without a trace, vanishing upon the moving air. For this reason, man’s face is entirely without expression, and only a single ray of affection radiates from his bloodshot eyes, with a gentle benevolence like that of a mother watching over her child. From time to time, man’s parched, cracked lips stir, as if he were about to speak but lacked the strength to do so. I give man some water, but all he does is shake his head. From these erratic and unpredictable actions, I learn that man has already lost all hope in his own self, and only keeps his supplicating gaze on Me, as if pleading for something. But, ignorant of the customs and mores of mankind, I am bewildered by humanity’s facial expressions and actions. Only at this moment do I suddenly discover that the days of man’s existence are fast drawing to a close, and I turn a sympathetic gaze toward him. And only at this moment does man show a smile of pleasure, nodding his head at Me, as if his every wish has been fulfilled. Humanity is no longer sad; on earth, people complain no more of life’s emptiness, and desist from all dealings with “life.” Thenceforth, there are no more sighs on earth, and the days the human race lives shall be filled with delight …

I shall dispose of man’s affairs properly before going about My own work, lest humanity constantly disturbs My work. To Me, man’s affairs are not the central issue; the affairs of humankind are inconsequential. Because man is so small of spirit—it appears that humanity is unwilling to show mercy even to an ant, or that ants are mankind’s enemies—there is always discord among men. Hearing the discord of men, I depart once more and give their tales no further heed. In humanity’s eyes, I am a “resident’s committee,” specializing in the resolution of “family disputes” among “residents.” When people come before Me, they invariably come with their own reasons and, with overbearing eagerness, recount their own “uncommon experiences,” adding their own commentary as they do. I look at humanity’s extraordinary demeanor: Their faces are covered with dust—a dust that, under the “irrigation” of sweat, loses its “independence” as it commingles at once with the sweat, and men’s faces become further “enriched,” like the sandy surface of a beach, on which footprints can occasionally be seen. Their hair resembles that of specters of the dead, lusterless, standing straight up, like bits of straw stuck into a globe. Because his temper is so inflamed, such that his very hair bristles in rage, his face sporadically gives off “steam,” as if his sweat were “boiling.” Scrutinizing him closely, I see that man’s face is covered with “flames” like a blazing sun, which is why hot gas rises from it, and I truly worry his anger might immolate his face, though he himself pays no mind to this. At this juncture, I urge man to dampen his temper a little, for what good does this do? Why torture yourself so? For anger, the stalks of straw on the surface of this “globe” are practically burnt up by the sun’s flames; in circumstances like this, even the “moon” turns red. I urge man to moderate his temper—it’s important to safeguard his health. But man does not listen to My advice; rather, he continues “lodging complaints” with Me. What use is there in this? Is My bounty insufficient for man to enjoy? Or does man refuse what I give him? In a sudden fit of anger, I upend the table, and man no longer dares to narrate exciting episodes from his story; he is terrified that I might lead him into a “detention center” to cool his heels for a few days, and he takes the opportunity afforded by My tantrum to slip away. Otherwise, man would never be willing to drop such things, but would keep rattling on about his own concerns. The very sound of it grates on Me. Why is humanity so complicated in their heart of hearts? Could it be that I have installed within man too many “components”? Why does he always put on a show in front of Me? Surely, it is not that I am a “consultant” for the resolution of “civil disputes”? Did I ask man to come to Me? Surely, I am not a county magistrate? Why are the affairs of people always brought before Me? I hope that man will see fit to take charge of his own self and not disturb Me, for I have too much work to do.

May 18, 1992

Previous: Chapter 42

Next: Chapter 44

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