Chapter 42

As soon as the new work begins, all people have a new entry, and they advance with Me hand-in-hand. We walk on the great road of the kingdom together, and there is such close intimacy between man and Myself. To show My feelings and to display My attitude toward man, I have always spoken to man. Some of these words, however, may hurt people, while some may be of great help to them, and so I advise people to listen more often to the words that come from My mouth. My utterances might not be particularly elegant, but they are all words that come from the bottom of My heart. Because mankind is My friend, I have continued to carry out My work among man, and man, too, does his utmost to cooperate with Me, deeply afraid of disrupting My work. At this moment, My heart is filled with great delight, for I have gained a portion of people, and so My “enterprise” is no longer in recession; it no longer consists of empty words, and My “specialty product market” is no longer performing sluggishly. People are sensible after all—they are all willing to “offer themselves up” for My name and My glory, and it is only in this way that My “specialty store” gains some new “goods,” and so in the spiritual realm many “customers” come to buy My “goods.” Only from this moment onward do I gain glory; only then are the words spoken from My mouth no longer empty. I have triumphed and have returned in victory, and all people celebrate Me. At this moment the great red dragon also comes to “celebrate,” to show its admiration for Me, to show that it yields at My feet, which I view as glory. From the time of creation until today, I have fought many victorious battles, and have done many admirable things. Many people once celebrated Me, offered praise to Me, and danced for Me. Although these were stirring and unforgettable scenes, I never showed My smile, for I had yet to conquer man, and was merely doing part of the work similar to the creation. Today is unlike the past. I wear a smile from upon the throne, I have conquered man, and people all bow down in worship before Me. The people of today are not the people of the past. How could My work be for the sake of anything but the present? How could it be for anything except My glory? For the sake of a brighter tomorrow, I shall make plain all of My work in man many times over, so that all of My glory may “rest” in man, who was created. I shall take this as the principle of My work. To those who are willing to cooperate with Me, rise up and work hard so that more of My glory may fill the firmament. Now is the time to carry out grand plans. All those who are under the care and protection of My love have the chance to put their abilities to use here with Me, and I shall maneuver all things to “revolve” for the sake of My work. The birds flying in the sky are My glory in the sky, the seas upon the earth are My doings upon the earth, the master of all things is My manifestation among all things, and I employ all that there is upon the earth as the capital for My management, causing all things to multiply, flourish, and shine with life.

At the time of creation, I had already determined that My work on earth would come to a complete end in the final age. The time when My work comes to an end shall be the very time that all of My doings are made manifest in the firmament. I shall make the people on earth acknowledge My doings, and My deeds shall be proven before the “judgment seat,” so that they may be acknowledged among people across the earth, who all shall yield. Thus, after this I shall embark upon an enterprise never before carried out in ages past. From today onward, I shall make plain My deeds step by step, so that My wisdom, My wondrousness, and My unfathomability shall be acknowledged and proven in every sector of society. In particular, all the ruling parties of the earth shall be made to acknowledge My deeds, such that My doings shall be judged by “judges,” and “defended” by “lawyers,” and thus My doings shall be acknowledged, causing all people to lower their heads and yield. From this time onward, My actions shall be recognized by every sector of society, and this will be the moment when I gain all glory on earth. At that time, I shall appear to man and no longer be hidden. At present, My deeds have yet to reach their climax. My work is progressing onward, and when My deeds reach their zenith, it will be finished. I shall completely conquer the people of all nations, I shall cause ferocious beasts to become as tame as lambs before Me, and I shall cause the great red dragon to submit before Me like the people on earth. I shall defeat all My enemies in heaven, and I shall cause all My adversaries on earth to be conquered. This is My plan, and this is the wondrousness of My deeds. All that man can do is to live by nature’s influence, under My guidance—he cannot make his own decisions! Who can escape My hand? I have allocated all of nature to various categories, causing it to exist within laws, and it is only because of this that there are such laws upon earth as warmth in spring and coolness in autumn. The reason why the flowers on earth wither in winter and blossom in summer is because of the wondrousness of My hand; the reason why the geese fly south in winter is because I adjust the temperature; and the reason why the seas roar is because I want to drown the things upon the water’s surface. What is not arranged by Me? From this moment onward, man’s “economics of nature” is entirely vanquished by My words, and people no longer eradicate My presence because of the existence of “natural laws.” Who will ever again deny the existence of the Sovereign of all things? In heaven, I am Head; among all things, I am the Lord; and among all people, I am foremost. Who dares to lightly daub this over with “paint”? Could falsehoods disturb the existence of the truth? At this precious opportunity, I once again begin the work in My hands, no longer suffering man’s disturbance, and continuing the “turning” of the machines.

I have added various “seasonings” to My words, and thus it would seem as though I am one of humanity’s star chefs. Though people do not know how to season their food, they relish its taste; holding the “plate,” they all savor the “dishes” I have prepared. I do not know why, but people always want to eat more of the dishes that I personally prepare. It is as if they look too highly upon Me, as if they see Me as the highest of all condiments, and have no regard at all for other people. Because I have too much self-respect, I wish not to smash others’ “iron rice bowl” for My own reasons. Thus, I take the chance to step back from the “kitchen” and allow others the chance to distinguish themselves. Only in this way is My heart steadfast; I do not want to make people look up to Me and look down on others; that would not be right. What is the value of having status in people’s hearts? Am I really so boorish and unreasonable? Am I really willing to demand status? If so, then why do I embark on such a great enterprise? I wish not to struggle for fame and fortune against others, and I disdain earthly fame and fortune; this is not what I pursue. I do not see man as a role model, I do not fight or snatch, but make a living by relying on My “craft,” and I do not commit unconscionable acts. Thus, when I walk around the earth, I act first and ask for “payment for My handiwork” later—only this is the fairness and reasonableness spoken of by man. There is no exaggeration in this, and nor is it in the least bit played down; I speak as per the true meaning of the facts. I walk back and forth among man, searching for those who are fair and reasonable, and yet this has yielded no fruit. And because people love to bargain, the price is either too high or too low, and so I am still doing the work that is in My hands that has “fallen to Me to do.” Today, I still do not know why man does not abide by his duty, and why he does not know how great his stature is. People do not even know whether their stature weighs several grams or several liang.[a] And thus, they still wheedle Me. It is as if all of My work has been in vain, as if My words are but an echo in the vast mountains, and no one has ever perceived the roots of My words and utterances. And so I use this as the foundation to summarize the third aphorism: People do not know Me, for they do not see Me. It is as if, having eaten My words, people drink some medicine to aid digestion, and because the side effects of the medicine are so strong they suffer memory loss, and so My words become that which is forgotten by mankind, and the place where I am becomes the corner they forget. Because of this, I sigh. Why have I done so much work, yet there is no proof of it in people? Have I not committed enough effort? Or is it because I have not grasped what man needs? There is already nothing I can do regarding this matter, and My only choice is to use My administrative decrees to conquer all people. I shall no longer be a loving mother, but shall manage all mankind as a stern father!

May 15, 1992


a. The “liang” is a Chinese weight measurement; one liang is 50 grams.

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