Chapter 65

My words are always striking home at your vulnerabilities, that is, they point out your fatal weaknesses; otherwise, you would still be dragging your heels, with no idea of what time it is just now. Know this! I use the way of love to save you. No matter how you act, I will certainly complete the things that I have approved, and not make any mistakes whatsoever. Can I, the righteous Almighty God, possibly make a mistake? Is that not a human notion? Tell Me: Is everything I do and say not for your sakes? Some people will humbly say, “Oh God! Everything You do is for us, but we don’t know how to act in concert with You.” Such ignorance! You even go so far as to say that you do not know how to cooperate with Me! These are all shameful lies! Given that you have voiced such things, why do you repeatedly show consideration for the flesh in reality? Your words sound good, but you do not act in an easy and pleasant manner. You must understand this: I do not ask much of you today, nor are My requirements beyond your grasp; rather, they are achievable by humans. I do not overestimate you in the least. Am I not aware of the extent of man’s capabilities? I have a perfectly clear understanding of it.

My words constantly enlighten you, yet your hearts are too hardened, and you are unable to grasp My intentions within your spirits! Tell Me: How many times have I reminded you not to focus on food, clothing, or your appearance, and instead to focus on your inner lives? You simply will not listen. I am sick of speaking. Is this how numb you have become? Are you utterly senseless? Could it be that My words have been spoken in vain? Have I said anything wrong? My sons! Be considerate of My earnest intentions! Once your lives have matured, there will be no further need to worry, and everything will be provided. There is no value in focusing on those things right now. My kingdom has been thoroughly realized, and it has publicly come down into the world; this signifies all the more that My judgment has completely arrived. Have you experienced it? I am loath to judge you, but you show My heart no consideration whatsoever. It is My wish that you will constantly be granted the care and protection of My love, rather than merciless judgment. Could it be that you are willing to be judged? If not, then why do you not repeatedly get close to Me, fellowship with Me, and have association with Me? You treat Me so coldly, yet when Satan gives you ideas, you feel elated, thinking that they tally with your own will—yet nothing you do is for My sake. Do you desire to always treat Me so cruelly?

It is not that I do not wish to give to you, but that you are not willing to pay the price. As such, you are empty-handed, holding nothing at all. Do you not see how quickly the work of the Holy Spirit is progressing? Do you not see that My heart burns with anxiety? I ask you to cooperate with Me, but you remain unwilling. All manner of disasters will befall, one after another; all nations and places will experience calamities: Plague, famine, flood, drought, and earthquakes are everywhere. These disasters are not just happening in one or two places, nor will they be over within a day or two; rather, instead they will expand across a greater and greater area, and become more and more severe. During this time, all manner of insect plagues will arise one after another, and the phenomenon of cannibalism will occur everywhere. This is My judgment upon all nations and peoples. My sons! You must not suffer the pain or hardship of disasters. It is My wish that you will soon come of age and, as quickly as possible, take up the burden that lies on My shoulders. Why do you not understand My intentions? The work ahead will grow more and more strenuous. Are you so hard-hearted as to leave Me with My hands full, having to work so arduously on My own? I will put it more plainly: Those whose lives mature will enter refuge, and not suffer pain or hardship; those whose lives do not mature must suffer pain and harm. My words are clear enough, are they not?

My name must extend in all directions and to all places, so that everyone may know My holy name and know Me. People of all walks of life in the US, Japan, Canada, Singapore, the Soviet Union, Macau, Hong Kong, and other countries will immediately crowd into China together, searching for the true way. My name has already been testified to them; all that remains is for you to mature as soon as possible, so that you may shepherd and lead them. This is why I say that there is even more work to be done. My name will circulate widely in the wake of the disasters, and if you are not careful, you will lose your rightful share. Are you not afraid? My name extends out to all religions, all walks of life, all nations, and all denominations. This is My work being done in an orderly way, in close linkage; it all happens by My wise arrangement. I would only wish that you are able to advance with every step, closely following My footsteps.

Previous: Chapter 64

Next: Chapter 66

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