
This portion of God’s words contains a total of four sections that were all expressed by Christ between June 1992 and March 23, 2010. The majority are based on recordings of Christ’s sermons and fellowships as He traveled among the churches. They have not been modified in any way, nor have they been subsequently altered by Christ. The remaining sections were personally written by Christ (when Christ writes, He does so in a single sitting, without stopping to think or carrying out any editing, and His words are entirely the expression of the Holy Spirit—this is beyond all doubt). Rather than separating these two kinds of utterance, we have presented them together, using the original order in which they were expressed; this allows us to see, from the entirety of His utterances, the steps of God’s work, and understand how He works during each phase, which is beneficial to people’s knowledge of the steps of God’s work and the wisdom of God.

The first eight chapters of “The Words of Christ As He Walked in the Churches I”—collectively referred to as “The Path”—are a small portion of the words spoken by Christ as He stood on an equal footing with man. Despite their apparent insipidness, they brim with God’s love and concern for mankind. Prior to this, God spoke from the perspective of the third heaven, which opened up a great distance between Him and man, and made people afraid to approach God, much less ask Him to provide for their lives. In “The Path,” therefore, God spoke to man as an equal and pointed out the direction of the way, thus restoring man’s relationship with God to its original state; people no longer doubted whether God was still employing a method of speaking, and were no longer haunted by the terror of the trial of death. God descended from the third heaven to earth, people came before God’s throne from the lake of fire and brimstone, they cast off the specter of the title of “the service-doers,” and like newborn calves, they officially accepted the baptism of God’s words. Only then was God able to talk intimately with them and do more of the work of providing them with life. The purpose of God humbling Himself as a person was for Him to get closer to people, reducing the distance between them and Him, allowing Him to gain people’s recognition and trust, and inspiring in people the conviction to pursue life and follow God. The eight chapters of “The Path” can be summed up as the keys by which God opens the doors to people’s hearts, and together they form a sugar-coated pill that He gives to man. Only by God doing this are people able to pay close attention to God’s repeated teachings and reprimands. It could be said that it was only after this that God officially began the work of providing life and expressing the truth in this current stage of work, as He continued to speak: “What Viewpoint Believers Ought to Hold” and “On the Steps of God’s Work”…. Does such a method not show God’s wisdom and His earnest intentions? This is the very start of Christ’s provision of life, so the truths are a little shallower than subsequent sections. The principle behind this is very simple: God works according to mankind’s needs. He does not act or speak blindly; only God fully understands mankind’s needs, and no other has greater love and understanding for man.

In utterances one through ten in “Work and Entry,” God’s words enter a new phase. As a result, these utterances are placed at the beginning. Subsequently, “The Words of Christ As He Walked in the Churches II” came into being. During this phase, God made more detailed demands of His followers, demands that included knowledge about people’s lifestyles, what is required of their caliber, and so on. Because these people were determined to follow God, and no longer had any doubts about the identity and essence of God, God also formally began to treat them as members of His own family, fellowshipping the inside truth of God’s work from the time of creation until today, revealing the truth behind the Bible, and teaching them the true significance of God’s incarnation. God’s utterances in this section gave people a better understanding of the essence of God and the essence of His work, and allowed them to appreciate that what they gained from God’s salvation surpassed what had been gained by prophets and apostles throughout ages past. From every line of God’s words, you can perceive every iota of His wisdom, as well as His scrupulous love and concern for man. In addition to expressing those words, God publicly revealed, one-by-one, the prior notions and fallacies of man and things that people had never before imagined, as well as the path that people were to walk in the future. This, perhaps, is precisely the narrow “love” that man is capable of experiencing! After all, God had given people all they needed, and had given them what they asked for, without holding anything back or asking for anything in return.

Several special chapters in this section address the Bible. The Bible has been a part of human history for several thousand years. People, furthermore, treat it like God, to the extent that in the last days, it has taken the place of God, which disgusts God. Thus, when time permitted, God felt obliged to clarify the inside story and origins of the Bible; were He not to do this, the Bible would continue to hold the place of God in people’s hearts, and people would use the words of the Bible to measure and condemn the deeds of God. By explaining the essence, the structuring, and the flaws of the Bible, God was by no means denying the existence of the Bible, nor was He condemning it; rather, He was providing an appropriate, fitting description that restored the original image of the Bible, addressed the fallacious understandings that people had toward the Bible, and gave them the correct view of the Bible, so that they no longer worshiped the Bible, and were no longer lost; which is to say, so that they would no longer mistake their blind faith in the Bible as faith in God and the worship of God, afraid even to confront its true background and failings. Once people have an unadulterated understanding of the Bible, they are able to cast it aside without compunction and bravely accept the new words of God. This is God’s goal in these several chapters. The truth that God wishes to tell people here is that no theory or fact can take the place of God’s work and words of today, and that nothing can stand in God’s stead. If people cannot escape the trap of the Bible, they will never be able to come before God. If they wish to come before God, they must first cleanse their hearts of anything that could replace Him; then they will be satisfactory to God. Although God only explains the Bible here, do not forget that there are many other fallacious things that people genuinely worship aside from the Bible; the only things that they do not worship are those that truly come from God. God merely uses the Bible as an example to remind people not to take the wrong path, and not to go to extremes again and fall prey to confusion while they believe in God and accept His words.

The words that God provides to man go from shallow to profound. The topics of His utterances make a continued progression from people’s external behavior and actions to their corrupt dispositions, from where God aims the tip of His linguistic spear at that deepest part of people’s souls: their substance. During the period that “The Words of Christ As He Walked in the Churches III” were expressed, God’s utterances emphasize the essence and identity of man, and what it means to be a real person—these deepest truths and essential questions regarding people’s life entry. Of course, thinking back to the truths that God provides to man in “The Words of Christ As He Walked in the Churches I,” the content of “The Words of Christ As He Walked in the Churches III” is, by comparison, incredibly profound. The words in this section touch upon people’s future path and how they can be made perfect; they also touch upon mankind’s future destination, and how God and man will enter into rest together. (It could be said that, to date, these are the words God has expressed to people regarding their substance, their mission, and their destination that are the easiest to understand.) It is God’s hope that the people who read these words are those who have separated themselves from human notions and imaginings, who are capable of a pure understanding of God’s every word in the depths of their hearts. Moreover, He hopes that all those who read these words can take His words as the truth, the way, and the life, and that they do not treat God lightly or wheedle Him. If people read these words with an attitude of examining or scrutinizing God, then these utterances would be like a closed book to them. Only those who pursue the truth, who are determined to follow God, and who are without a shred of doubt toward Him are qualified to accept these words.

“The Words of Christ As He Walked in the Churches IV” are another category of divine utterance that follows on from “God’s Words to the Entire Universe.” This section includes God’s exhortations, teachings, and revelations to people in Christian denominations, such as: “By the Time You Behold the Spiritual Body of Jesus, God Will Have Made Heaven and Earth Anew,” “Those Who Are Incompatible With Christ Are Surely Opponents of God.” It also includes God’s most specific requirements for mankind, such as: “Prepare Sufficient Good Deeds for Your Destination,” “Three Admonitions,” “Transgressions Will Lead Man to Hell.” Many aspects are covered, such as revelations and judgments for all kinds of people and words on how to know God. It could be said that this section is the core of God’s judgment of mankind. The most unforgettable part of this section of God’s utterances is that, when God was about to close the curtains on His work, He exposed what is in the very marrow of people’s bones: betrayal. His aim is for people to know the following fact at the very end, and to burn it into the deepest parts of their hearts: It does not matter how long you have been God’s follower—your nature is still to betray God. In other words, it is in man’s nature to betray God, because people are incapable of attaining absolute maturity in their lives, and there can only be relative changes in their dispositions. Although these two chapters, “Betrayal (1)” and “Betrayal (2),” deliver a blow to people, they are truly God’s most faithful and benevolent warnings to people. At the very least, when people are complacent and self-conceited, after reading these two chapters, their own evil deeds will be put in check, and they will quiet down. Through these two chapters, God reminds all people that no matter how mature your life is, how deep your experiences, how great your confidence, regardless of where you were born and where you are going, your nature of betraying God is liable to reveal itself at any time and in any place. What God wants to tell each and every person is this: It is the inborn nature of each and every person to betray God. Of course, God’s purpose in expressing these two chapters is not to find excuses to eliminate or condemn mankind, but to make people more aware of man’s nature, so that they can live carefully before God at all times to receive His guidance, which will stop them losing God’s presence and setting foot onto the path of no return. These two chapters are an alarm bell for all those who follow God. Hopefully, people will understand God’s earnest intentions; after all, these words are all indisputable facts—so what need has man to haggle over when and how they were expressed by God? If God kept all of these things to Himself, and waited until when people believed it was suitable for Him to utter them, would it not be too late? When would that most suitable time be?

God employs multiple methods and perspectives in these four sections. For example, sometimes He uses satire, and sometimes He uses the method of direct provision and teaching; sometimes He uses examples, and sometimes He uses harsh rebukes. Overall, there are all kinds of different methods, the goal of which is to cater to people’s various states and tastes. The perspective from which He speaks changes with the different methods and content of His utterances. For example, sometimes He says “I” or “Me”; that is, He speaks to people from the perspective of God Himself. Sometimes He speaks from the third person, saying “God” is this or that, and there are other times when He speaks from the perspective of a human being. No matter what perspective He speaks from, His essence does not change, for no matter how He speaks, everything He expresses is the essence of God Himself—it is all the truth, and it is what mankind needs.

Previous: Chapter 46

Next: The Path … (1)

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