Chapter 85

I make use of different people to achieve My will: My curses are realized on those whom I chastise, as are My blessings on those whom I love. Now, the question of who among you will receive My blessings and who will suffer My curses rests completely with a single word of Mine; it is all determined by My utterances. You know that whomever I am good to now is bound to be always granted My blessings (meaning, gradually coming to know Me and growing more and more sure about Me, gaining the new light and revelations, and being able to keep up with the pace of My work). Whomever I detest (this is something inside Me that people cannot see from the outside) are people who will surely suffer My curses, and they are undoubtedly among the offspring of the great red dragon; as such, they will have a share in My cursing of it. As for those whom I cannot bear the sight of whose caliber I see to be lacking, and who cannot be perfected or used by Me, they will still have a chance to be saved, and they will be one among My sons. If someone does not possess any of My caliber, does not have spiritual understanding, and does not know Me but has an ardent mindset, then that person will be designated as one of My people. I consider those who share in My curses to be beyond salvation, and they are the ones who have been possessed by evil spirits. I am eager to kick them out. They were birthed by the great red dragon, and are the ones I most hate. From this point on, I do not need them to render service to Me. I simply do not want them anymore! I do not want any of them! Even their weeping and gnashing of teeth before Me has no effect; I do not look at any of them. I just kick them away. What sort of things are you? Do you deserve to be before Me? Are you worthy? You are still pretending to be good people and feigning humility! After you have done all those countless wicked deeds, can I spare you? And then, no sooner do you rise before Me than you start to defy Me again. You have never had any good intentions; you just want to fool Me! Can you really become good when you are a descendant of the great red dragon? Impossible! You have already been cursed by Me, and I judge you through and through! Render service for Me wholeheartedly, honestly, and in a disciplined way, and then go back to your bottomless pit! Do you want a share in My kingdom? You are dreaming! How shameless! You, with your filthy and dirty body, have been corrupted to a certain degree, yet you still have the nerve to stand before Me! Make way! If you delay any further, I will punish you severely! All those who engage in crookedness and deceit before Me must be exposed. Where can you hide? Where can you conceal yourself? No matter how much you dodge or take cover, can you really escape My control? If you do not render service for Me properly, then you will have an even shorter longevity; you will be done for immediately!

I tell you with all clarity what kind of people are My firstborn sons, and I give you accurate proof. Otherwise, you would not be able to take your proper places, and would instead make indiscriminate decisions for yourselves as to what your places should be. Some would be too humble, and some would be too unrestrained; and those who do not possess My caliber, or whose caliber is overly lacking, would all wish to be My firstborn sons. What expressions are made by those who are My firstborn sons? First of all, they focus on grasping My intentions and show consideration for them. Moreover, they all have the Holy Spirit working on them. Secondly, they persistently seek within their spirits, refrain from debauchery, and keep within My bounds at all times; they are extremely normal. Moreover, in acting this way, they are not imitating. (Because they are focused on sensing the work of the Holy Spirit, and are considerate of My love for them, they are cautious at all times, and have a deep fear of falling into a mindset of betrayal or defiance against Me.) Thirdly, they act wholeheartedly for Me, are capable of offering up their entire selves, and have already abolished any idea of their own future prospects, their lives, what they eat, wear, and use, and where they live. Fourthly, they constantly hunger and thirst for righteousness, and they believe they lack too much and that they are too immature of stature. Fifthly, as I have mentioned before, they have a good reputation in the world, but have been cast aside by the people of the world. In their relationships with the opposite sex, they possess moral integrity. All of these are proof, but I cannot now reveal them completely to you, for My work has not yet reached that stage. Firstborn sons, remember! The life feelings within you, your fear of Me, your love for Me, your knowledge of Me, your seeking for Me, your faith—all these things embody My love for you; they are all proof I give to you so that you may truly become My beloved sons and be the same as Me, eating, living, and enjoying blessings alongside Me in unparalleled glory.

I cannot show lenience toward any who have persecuted Me, any who had no knowledge of Me (including before My name was witnessed), who believed Me to be human, or any who have blasphemed against Me and slandered Me in the past. Even if they were to bear the most resounding witness for Me right now, it still would not do. Persecuting Me in the past was a way of rendering service for Me, and were those people to bear witness for Me today, they would still be My tools. Only those who are genuinely made perfect by Me today are of any use to Me, as I am the righteous God Himself, and I have come out from the flesh and detached Myself from all relationships that are of the earth. I am God Himself, and all people, matters, and things that used to be around Me are in My hands. I am without fleshly feelings, and I practice righteousness with all things. I am upright, and not tainted with the slightest bit of filth. Do you understand the meaning of My words? Can you also achieve this? People think that I also possess normal humanity, and have a family and fleshly feelings—but do you know that you are completely wrong? I am God! Have you forgotten this? Are you confused? You still do not know Me!

My righteousness has been completely revealed to you. Any way in which I deal with any kind of person reveals both My righteousness and My majesty. Because I am the God Himself who brings wrath with Him, I will not let off the hook even a single person who has persecuted or reviled Me. Under such a strict requirement, do you recognize this? Those whom I chose and predestined are like rare pearls or pieces of agate; they are few and far between. This is because there are bound to be far fewer people who will reign as kings than ones who will be My people, and this is evidence of My power and My wondrous deeds. I often say that I will reward you and bestow crowns upon you, and that with Me there is glory without end. What do I mean by rewards, crowns, and glory? People are under the notion that rewards are material things such as food, clothing, or other things that can be used, but this is completely an outdated way of thinking; it is not what I mean by those terms, and is instead a misconception. Rewards are things that are obtained right now, and they are a part of grace. However, there are also some rewards that are related to carnal pleasures, and those who render service for Me but whom I will not save can also attain some material enjoyment (although, those are still just material things that do service for Me). A crown is not a badge of office; that is, it is not a material thing that I grant you so that you may enjoy it. Rather, it is a new name that I bestow upon you, and whosoever is able to live up to your new name will be a person who has gained a crown, which is gaining My blessings. Rewards and crowns are a part of blessings, but when compared with blessings, they are as different as heaven and earth. Glory simply cannot be imagined with human notions, because glory is not a material thing. For them, it is an extremely abstract concept. What, then, is glory, exactly? What does it mean to say that you will descend in glory together with Me? My entirety—that is, what I am and what I have, mercy and lovingkindness (to My sons), and righteousness, majesty, judgment, wrath, cursing, and burning (to all people)—My person is glory. Why do I say that with Me there is glory without end? It is because with Me there is wisdom without end, as well as incomparable abundance. Therefore, descending in glory with Me means that you have already been made complete by Me, you possess what I am and what I have, you have been completed by Me, you have a heart of fear for Me, and you do not oppose Me. Surely this is clear to you by now!

The tense situation of all nations on earth has reached a climax, and they are all steadily preparing to render service for Me and to accept the incineration I bring to them. When My wrath and burning arrive, there will have been no prior clue. However, I know what it is I do, and I am absolutely clear about it. You should be certain about My words, and you must make haste to get everything ready. Be prepared to shepherd those who come seeking from abroad. Remember this! China—that is, every single person and place within China—is subject to My curses. Do you understand the meaning of My words?

Previous: Chapter 84

Next: Chapter 86

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