Chapter 81

How evil and licentious is this old era! I will swallow you up! Mount Zion! Arise to hail Me! For the completion of My management plan, for the successful accomplishment of My great work, who dares not rise up and cheer! Who dares not rise up and leap endlessly in joy? They will meet their deaths at My hand! I carry out righteousness upon everybody, without the slightest mercy or lovingkindness, and I do so utterly dispassionately. All peoples! Rise up to give praise, and give glory to Me! All unending glory, from everlasting to everlasting, exists because of Me, and was established by Me. Who would dare to take glory for himself? Who would dare to treat My glory as a material thing? They will be slain by My hand! Oh, cruel humans! I created you and provided for you, and I have led you to this day, yet you know not the least about Me, and you do not love Me at all. How can I show mercy for you again? How can I save you? I can only treat you with My wrath! I shall repay you with destruction, and with eternal chastisement. This is righteousness; it can only be this way.

My kingdom is solid and steady; it will never collapse. It will exist into eternity! My sons, My firstborn sons, and My people will enjoy blessings with Me forever and ever! Those who do not have spiritual understanding and who are not granted revelations from the Holy Spirit will be cut off from My kingdom sooner or later. They will not leave of their own accord, but will be forced out by the rule of My iron rod and by My majesty; moreover, they will be kicked out by My foot. Those who have been possessed for a time by evil spirits (meaning, since birth) will all be exposed now. I will kick you out! Do you still remember what I have said? I—the holy and unblemished God—do not reside in a foul and filthy temple. Those who were possessed by evil spirits know this for themselves, and I need not clarify. I have not predestined you! You are old Satan, yet you want to infiltrate My kingdom! Absolutely not! I am telling you! Today I shall make it very clear for you: Those I chose at the time of the creation of mankind, I have imbued with My caliber and My disposition; therefore, today they are loyal to Me alone, they can bear a burden for the church, and they are willing to expend themselves for Me and offer up their entire beings to Me. Those whom I have not chosen have, therefore, been corrupted by Satan to a certain degree, and they possess none of My caliber and none of My disposition. You think that My words are contradictory, but the words, “You are predestined and chosen by Me, yet you bear the consequences for your actions,” all refer to Satan. Now I will explain one point: Today, those who can rise up and assume authority over the churches, shepherd the churches, be considerate of My burden, and fulfill special functions—not a single one of those people are in service to Christ; they all are those whom I have predestined and chosen. I tell you this so that you do not worry too much and delay your life progress. How many can win the status of firstborn son? Could it be that this is as easy as being given a diploma? Impossible! Were it not for My perfection of you, you would have long since been corrupted to a certain degree by Satan. This is why I have repeatedly emphasized that I shall always look after and protect those loyal to Me and shield them from harm and suffering. Those I have not predestined are those whom evil spirits have possessed; they are those who are numb, dull-witted, and spiritually stunted, and who cannot shepherd the churches (meaning, those with enthusiasm but who are unclear regarding visions). You should be quickly removed from My sight, and the sooner the better, lest I should become disgusted and angry by seeing you. If you get away quickly, you will receive less chastisement—but the longer you take, the harsher the chastisement will be. Do you understand? Stop acting so shamelessly! You are debauched and unrestrained, unthinking and careless, and have no idea just what kind of trash you are! You are blind!

Those who hold power in My kingdom are all carefully chosen by Me and have undergone repeated tests; nobody can defeat them. I have given them strength, so they will never fall or go astray. They have gained My approval. From this day forward, the hypocrites will show their true colors. They are capable of all sorts of shameful things, but ultimately, they will not escape My hand, which chastises and incinerates Satan. My temple shall be holy and spotless. All of it is a testimony to Me, a manifestation of Me, and glory to My name. My temple is My eternal abode and the object of My eternal love; I often caress it with the hand of love, bring comfort to it with the language of love, care for it with eyes of love, and embrace it in the bosom of love so that it will not fall into the traps of evil ones or be beguiled by Satan. Today, those who render service for Me but who are not saved will be used by Me one last time. Why do I hurry to cast these things out of My kingdom? Why must I drive them from My sight? I hate them down to the marrow of My bones! Why do I not save them? Why do I detest them so? Why must I strike them dead? Why must I destroy them? (Not one bit of them can remain in My sight, including their ashes.) Why? Even the great red dragon, the ancient serpent, and old Satan seek unearned sustenance in My kingdom! Fantasize no longer! They all will come to nothing and be turned to ashes!

I will destroy this age, transform it into My kingdom, and live and enjoy unto eternity with the people I love. Those unclean things should not assume that they can remain in My kingdom. Do you think you can fish in murky waters? Forget such fantasies! You do not know that My eyes are all-seeing! You do not know that everything is arranged by My hand! Do not think that you are so highly esteemed! Each one of you must take your proper place. Do not pretend to be humble (I am referring to those who are blessed) or shiver and be afraid (I am referring to those who suffer misfortune). Right now, people should all know for themselves inside their hearts. Even if I do not mention you by name, you should still feel sure, for I have directed My words at every individual. Regardless of whether you are My chosen or not, My words are directed at all of your current states. That is to say, if you are among My chosen, then I speak of the state of those I have chosen based on how you have presented yourselves; as for those who are not My chosen, I also speak in accordance with their states. Therefore, My words have been spoken to a certain point; each of you should have a good sense of that. Do not deceive yourselves! Do not fear! Because the number of people is limited to only a scant few, deception will not work! Whomever I say is chosen is chosen, and no matter how good you might be at pretending, without My caliber, you will fail. Because I keep My word, I do not casually disrupt My own plans; I do whatever I want to do, because everything I do is correct. I am supreme, and I am unique. Are you clear on this? Do you understand?

Now, after reading My words, those who do evil and who are crooked and deceitful, are also working hard to seek progress and to make their own personal efforts. They want to pay only a small price to worm their way into My kingdom. They should lay aside such thoughts! (These people have no hope because I have not given them the opportunity to repent.) I guard the gate to My kingdom. Do you believe that people can enter My kingdom as they wish? Do you believe that My kingdom will just accept any kind of junk? That My kingdom will take any kind of worthless trash? You are mistaken! Today, those in the kingdom are those who hold kingly power with Me; I have carefully cultivated them. This is not something that can be achieved just by wanting it; you must gain My approval. Furthermore, this is not something that is discussed with anyone; it is something that I arrange Myself. Whatever I say goes. My mysteries are revealed to those whom I love. Those who do evil—that is, those whom I have not chosen—are not entitled to receive them. Even if they heard these mysteries, they would not understand, because Satan has covered their eyes and taken hold of their hearts, ruining their entire beings. Why is it said that My actions are amazing and wise, and that I mobilize everything in My service? I will hand over those who have not been predestined and chosen by Me to Satan to punish and corrupt them, and I will take no hand in punishing them; this is how wise I am! Who has ever thought of this? Without any effort at all, My great work has been accomplished, has it not?

Previous: Chapter 80

Next: Chapter 82

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