Chapter 92

Every person can see My almightiness and My wisdom in My words and My actions. Wherever I go, My work is there. My footsteps are not only in China; what is more important is that they are in all nations of the world. The first to receive this name, however, are only the seven previously discussed nations, as this is the sequence of My work; in the near future, you will come to have great clarity about this, understanding it thoroughly. If I tell you now, I fear the majority will fall down as a result, for I have said before that I speak to you and utter My voice to you in accordance with your statures, and all I do has within it My unending wisdom, which no one can fathom; the only way is to tell it to you in batches. Know this! You are forever children in My eyes; in every step you take, you must be led by Me and instructed by Me. People—only under My guidance can you live through your lives; without it, no one would be able to go on living. The entire universe world is in My hands, yet you do not see Me bustling around. On the contrary, I am relaxed and happy. People do not know My almightiness, and would feel anxious for Me—how little you know yourselves! You still flaunt your worthless trifles before Me, admiring yourselves! I saw through this long ago. And you engage in tricks before Me, you contemptible wretches! Get out of My house right now! I do not want wretched things like you. I would rather there be no one in My kingdom than your kind—contemptible wretches! Do you know that I have already stopped working on you, despite the fact that you are still eating and dressing as usual? But did you know that you are living for Satan, and that you are rendering service for Satan? Yet you still have the nerve to stand before Me! You are truly shameless!

In the past, I often said, “The great disasters will soon come; the great disasters have already fallen from My hands.” What does “great disasters” refer to, and how should this “fallen” be explained? You think that these great disasters refer to inescapable disasters that injure man’s spirit, soul and body, and you think that the “earthquakes, famines and plagues” of which I speak are these great disasters. But you do not know that you have misinterpreted My words. And you think that this “fallen” means that the great disasters have begun—this is laughable! This is indeed how you understand it, and having heard your explanations, I become truly angry. The mystery that people have been unable to reveal (which is the most secret mystery) is also the one that has been the most seriously misinterpreted throughout the ages, and it is a mystery of which no one has had personal experience (as it is brought to bear only in the last days, and only in the final age can man see it, though they will not recognize it), because I seal it most tightly, such that man cannot penetrate it (even to see the smallest part of it). Now that My work has been carried out to this stage, I enlighten you in accordance with the needs of My work; otherwise, people would have no way to understand. Now I begin to give fellowship; everyone should pay attention, for whoever is not cautious, including My firstborn sons, will suffer My judgment, and in the most serious cases, they shall be struck down by My hand (which means their spirit, soul, and body shall be taken). The great disasters are spoken of in relation to every one of the administrative decrees of My kingdom, and every one of My administrative decrees is a part of the great disasters. (My administrative decrees have not been entirely disclosed to you, but do not worry yourselves or feel anxious about this; there are some things that will bring you little benefit should you come to know them too early. Remember this! I am a wise God.) So, what is the other part? The great disasters contain two parts: My administrative decrees, and My wrath. The time when the great disasters come will also be when I begin to flare in anger and enforce My administrative decrees. Here, I tell My firstborn sons: You must not become degenerate due to this. Have you forgotten that all things and all matters are predestined by Me? My son, have no fear! I shall surely protect you; you shall enjoy good blessings with Me forever, and shall be together with Me for eternity. Because you are My loved ones, I will not forsake you. I do no foolish things, yet if I tore down a thing that has been completed with such difficulty, would I not be shooting Myself in the foot? I know what you think in your heart. Have you remembered this? What else would you have Me say? I will talk more of the great disasters. When the great disasters come, it will be the most frightening time, and they will reveal the ugliness of man to the greatest degree. All manner of demonic visages will be exposed in the light of My face, and they will have nowhere to hide, nowhere to find cover; they will be utterly exposed. The effect of the great disasters will be to make all who are not My chosen or predestined kneel before Me and beg for forgiveness, with weeping and gnashing of teeth. This is My judgment of Satan, My wrathful judgment. I am currently engaged in this work, and there are some, perhaps, who wish to affect qualifications and bluff their way through; the more they do so, the more Satan will work on them, until, at a certain point, their original forms are revealed.

I am in no rush to do My work, and I orchestrate every person Myself (this is a mockery of them, proving they are descendants of the great red dragon, and I pay no attention to them, so it is not excessive to use the word “orchestrate”), and do every deed Myself. Everything succeeds with Me, and it is a safe and secure success; everything I do is already arranged, step by step. I tell you of My intentions and of My burdens a little at a time. From this point on, My words begin to appear to all nations and all peoples. Because My firstborn sons are made complete already (My words focus on My sons and My people), the way I work has begun again to change. Do you see this clearly? Have you felt the tone of My words these past few days? I comfort My firstborn sons every step of the way, but from now on (because My firstborn sons are already made complete), I carry a knife in My hand (“knife” meaning “words of the utmost sternness”). Whomsoever I regard unfavorably for a moment (this refers to those who have not been predestined or chosen, and therefore there is no contradiction), I do not care if they render service for Me, or if they are something else; I will scrap them immediately. I am the almighty God, and I can make all people render service to Me. I am not reluctant to part with such people at all; if I say I do not want them, then I do not want them. Now that this time has come, I need only to see someone who displeases Me and I will discard them immediately, without investigation, for I am the God who is as good as His word. To those whom I have predestined to be in My service—no matter how good you are, no matter whether you have done anything that defies Me, if you displease Me, then I will kick you out. I fear no future trouble. I have My administrative decrees, I am as good as My word, and My word shall be accomplished. Would I let Satan remain? Hear Me, you people! You need not be afraid; you must get out whenever I ask you to get out. Do not give excuses to Me; I have no words to say to you! For I have exercised such patience, and the time to enforce My administrative decrees has arrived, and your last day is also here. For thousands of years, you were debauched and did things always in a headstrong, willful way, but I was always tolerant (as I am magnanimous and permit your corruption to a certain extent). But now, My lenience has come to term, and the time has come for you to be possessed and cast into the lake of fire and brimstone. Make haste and get out the way. I begin formally to enforce My judgment, and I begin to release My wrath.

In all nations and all places of the world, earthquakes, famines, plagues, and all manner of disasters occur frequently. As I do My great work in all nations and all places, these disasters will arise with more severity than at any other time since the creation of the world. This is the beginning of My judgment of all peoples, but My sons can rest easy; no disaster will befall you, and I will protect you. (This means that you will afterward live in the body, but not in the flesh, so you will not suffer the pain of any disaster.) Together with Me, you will simply reign as kings and judge all nations and all peoples, enjoying good blessings with Me forever in the universe and at the ends of the earth. These words will all be fulfilled, and they will soon be achieved before your very eyes. I delay not a single hour nor a single day; I do things incredibly quickly. Do not be worried or anxious; the blessing I give you is something no one can take from you—this is My administrative decree. All people will be submissive to Me because of My deeds; they will cheer without cease, and more yet will they leap for joy without end.

Previous: Chapter 91

Next: Chapter 93

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