Chapter 110

When everything is revealed, that will be the time when I will rest and, furthermore, when everything will be in order. I personally do My own work; I orchestrate and arrange everything Myself. When I come out from Zion and when I return, and when My firstborn sons have been made complete by Me, I will have finished My great work. In people’s notions, something that is done must be visible and palpable, but the way I see it, everything is complete at the moment when I plan it. Zion is My abode, and it is also My destination; it is there that I reveal My almightiness, and it is there that My firstborn sons and I will share our happiness as a family. It is there that I will live with them for all of eternity. Zion, that beautiful place, for which people long. Countless people have aspired to Zion over the ages, but from the beginning, not a single one has entered it. (Not even any of the saints and prophets from ages past have entered Zion; this is because I am selecting My firstborn sons in the last days, and they are all being born during this time; through this, My mercy and My grace, of which I have spoken, become more apparent.) Every single person who is now a firstborn son will enter Zion with Me and enjoy that blessing. I am elevating My firstborn sons to a certain extent because they possess My caliber and My glorious image, and because they are able to bear witness for Me, glorify Me, and live Me out. Moreover, they are capable of defeating Satan and humiliating the great red dragon. This is because My firstborn sons are pure virgins; they are the ones I love, and they are the ones I have selected and favored. The reason I elevate them is that they can stand in their own positions and are able to serve Me humbly and in obscurity, and bear powerful witness for Me. I have expended all of My energy on My firstborn sons, and I have carefully arranged all kinds of people, events, and things for their service. In the end, I will make everyone see My full glory through My firstborn sons, and I will have everyone fully convinced of Me because of them. I will not force any demon, and I am not afraid of their running rampant or of their recklessness, for I have witnesses and I have authority in My hands. Listen to Me now, people of Satan’s ilk! The purpose behind every word that I utter and everything that I do is to perfect My firstborn sons. You must therefore heed My commands and obey My firstborn sons; otherwise I will deal with you by making you suffer immediate perdition! My firstborn sons have already begun to carry out My administrative decrees, because they are the only ones worthy of upholding My throne; I have already anointed them. Those who do not obey My firstborn sons are certainly no good, and have, without a doubt, been dispatched by the great red dragon to upset My management plan. Such scoundrels shall be pushed out of My house immediately. I do not want that kind of thing to do service for Me; they will face eternal destruction—and they will face it very soon, without delay! Those who are in My service must already have received My approval; they must be submissive and obedient without worrying about the price they might have to pay. If they are rebellious, then they are not worthy of rendering service to Me; I do not need such creatures. They should hurry up and be gone from here; I absolutely do not want them! You must be clear on this now! Those who do service for Me must do it well and not cause any problems. If you feel you have no hope, and start causing problems, then I will finish you without hesitation! Are those of you who are in My service clear about that? This is My administrative decree.

Bearing witness for Me is the duty of My firstborn sons, so I do not require that you do anything for Me; I will be satisfied as long as you perform your duties properly and enjoy the blessings that I bestow upon you. When I traveled through the entire universe and to the ends of the earth, I selected My firstborn sons and made them complete. This is something that I finished before I created the world; no one among mankind knows this, but My work was achieved in silence. This fact is not in line with human notions! However, facts are facts, and no one can change them. Demons both great and small have, through their pretenses, revealed their true forms, and have been subject to My chastisement to varying degrees. There are steps to My work, and there is wisdom in My words. From My actions and words, have you seen anything? Am I simply doing and saying things? Are My words merely harsh, judgmental, or comforting? That is far too simplistic, but for mankind, seeing this is anything but simple. There is not only wisdom, judgment, righteousness, majesty, and comfort in My words, but more than that, they contain what I have and am. Every single one of My words is a mystery that cannot be revealed by mankind; My words are utterly inscrutable, and although the mysteries have been revealed, they are still outside the scope of mankind’s imagination and understanding, based on mankind’s abilities. The simplest word for Me to understand is the most difficult thing for people to understand, so the difference between Me and them is like the difference between heaven and earth. This is why I want to completely change the forms of My firstborn sons and have them enter the body entirely. In the future, not only will they enter the body from the flesh, but they will change their forms to varying degrees while within it. This is My plan. It is something that humans cannot do; they absolutely have no way of doing it. Thus, even if I explained this to you in detail, you still would not understand; you could only enter into a sense of the supernatural. This is because I am the wise God Himself.

When you see mysteries, you all react in some way. Even though, deep down, you do not accept or acknowledge these mysteries, you do acknowledge them vocally. People like this are most deceitful, and when I reveal mysteries, I will eliminate and forsake them one by one. However, everything I do is done in steps. I do not do things hastily, nor do I come to conclusions blindly; this is because I possess a divine disposition. People are absolutely unable to gain a clear view of what I am currently doing, or of what I will do in My next step. Only when I speak of the words of one step, the way I work moves a step forward with Me. Everything happens within My words, and everything is revealed within My words, so no one should be impatient; rendering service to Me properly is sufficient. Prior to the ages, I made a prophecy about a fig tree, but down through the ages, no one saw a fig tree and no one could explain it, and even though these words had been mentioned in earlier praises, no one knew their true meaning. These words confused people, as did the phrase, “the great catastrophe,” and this posed a mystery that I never unveiled to mankind. People thought that a fig tree was probably a good type of fruit tree, or that perhaps, taking it one step further, it referred to the saints—however, they were still very far off from the true meaning of these words. I will tell it to you when I open My scroll in the last days. (“The scroll” refers to all of the words that I have spoken—My words in the last days; it contains all of them.) “The fig tree” refers to My administrative decrees—every single one of them. But this is just one part of what it means. The sprouting of the fig tree refers to My beginning to work and speak in the flesh, but My administrative decrees had still not been made known (and this is because, at that time, no witness to My name had yet been borne and no one knew of My administrative decrees). When My name is witnessed and spread, when it is praised by all people, and when My administrative decrees achieve results, that will be when the fig tree bears fruit. This is the full explanation, with nothing omitted; all is revealed herein. (I say this because in My previous words, there was a portion that I had not yet fully revealed; you therefore needed to wait and seek patiently.)

When I make the firstborn sons complete, I will reveal My full glory and My entire appearance to the universe world. This will be done in body, and it will be above all people, in My own person; it will be on My Mount Zion and in My glory, and in particular, it will be done amidst the clamor of praises. Moreover, My enemies will retreat around Me, descending into the bottomless pit and the lake of fire and brimstone. What people today are able to imagine is limited, and is not in line with My original intention; this is the reason that I target people’s notions and thoughts every day when I speak. There will come a day (the day of entering the body) when what I tell will be entirely fitting to you, and you will offer no resistance whatsoever. At that time, you will no longer have your thoughts, and then I will stop making utterances. As you will no longer have your own thinking, I will just enlighten you directly—this is the blessing that will be enjoyed by the firstborn sons, and it will happen when they reign alongside Me as kings. Human beings do not believe in things that they cannot imagine, and even if there are some who do, they only do so due to having been specially enlightened by Me. Otherwise, no one would believe, and this is something that must be experienced. (Without going through this step, My great power could not be revealed, and this means that through the mere utterance of My words, I rid people of their notions. No one else can do this work, and no one can replace Me. I am the only One who can complete it; however, that is not absolute. I must do this work through mankind.) People feel energized after hearing My words, but in the end, they all retreat. They cannot help but do so. Meanwhile, there are mysteries that humans cannot grasp. No one can imagine what will happen, and I will allow you to see this in what I reveal. Through that, the true meaning of these words of Mine will be evident: “I will uproot all those who are not fit for My use.” My firstborn sons have a variety of manifestations, as do My enemies. They will all be revealed to you, one by one. Remember! Anyone aside from the firstborn sons has the work of evil spirits; they are all lackeys of Satan. (They will soon be revealed, one at a time, but there are some who need to do service until the very end, and others who only need to do service for a period of time.) Under the work of My words, all will show their true forms.

Every nation, every place, and every denomination enjoys the riches of My name. Because the catastrophe is currently brewing, and is within My grasp, and I am preparing to gradually cause it to rain down, everyone is urgently seeking the true way, which must be sought even if the price of doing so is to give up everything. In all things, I have My own timing. Whenever I say it will be completed, it will be completed right then, to the minute, and even right down to the very second. No one can hinder it or stop it. After all, the great red dragon is My vanquished foe; it is a service-doer for Me, and it does whatever I tell it to without the slightest resistance. It truly is My beast of burden. When My work has been completed, I will cast it into the bottomless pit and into the lake of fire and brimstone (I am referring to those who are destroyed). The destroyed will not merely taste death, but they will also be severely punished for their persecution of Me. This is work that I will continue to do through service-doers. I will have Satan slaughter and destroy itself, completely obliterating the descendants of the great red dragon. This is one part of My work; after that, I will turn toward the Gentile nations. These are the steps of My work.

Previous: Chapter 109

Next: Chapter 111

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