Question 3: Even if Paul’s words are not God’s words, yet after being called by God, he spread the gospel and endured suffering for the Lord for the rest of his life. He traveled so far and worked so hard to establish the churches. He paid such a heavy price. His contributions to the church are as plain as the eye can see. His faith in the Lord and the way he suffered for the Lord are an example for all Christians. Do you not accept these facts?

Answer: How many people just read about how Paul spread the gospel and suffered in his letters but do not understand Paul’s nature and substance. Everyone knows that when the Lord Jesus did His work, Paul was the main culprit that hated the truth and resisted the Lord Jesus. This is something that Paul himself did not dare deny. The Lord Jesus gave so many sermons and performed so many miracles. Why did Paul still hate and resist the Lord Jesus? Why did he fanatically persecute and hunt the Lord Jesus’ disciples? This is evidence that Paul’s nature and substance was hatred of the truth and of God. Why did he work so hard to protect the interests of the chief priests and Pharisees? Why did he stay loyal to Judaism? This shows that his heart was only thinking of his position, not God. To increase his position, he resisted the true God and persecuted His believers. He wanted to obtain rewards from Judaism at all costs. What kind of person is he? It isn’t hard to tell. What was the situation that caused Paul to accept the Lord’s call and spread the gospel as an apostle? When he was fanatically hunting and persecuting the Lord Jesus’ disciples, the Lord had no choice but to appear to Paul in the sky. The Lord blinded him with a great light, bringing him to his knees. The Lord did not appear to Paul because he was loyal to the Lord. He appeared to him as part of a punishment; He had no choice. Paul was forced to sacrifice and suffer for the Lord Jesus because the Lord Jesus appeared before him. His objective was atonement. He saw that the Lord was too almighty, capable of blinding him and forcing him to kneel down. He was afraid that he would be punished and sent to hell. That’s why he sacrificed for the Lord. If the Lord Jesus had not appeared to him, would he have followed the Lord or sacrificed for Him based on his devilish nature that resisted the Lord Jesus? Definitely not! Therefore, Paul did not really have faith in the Lord Jesus. His suffering and sacrifice were not done willingly. He had no choice; he was forced.

—The movie script of Stinging Memories

Previous: Question 2: You say Paul’s words are not the truth. Then why are his words in the Bible? Paul’s words are written in the Bible. Therefore, they were inspired by God; they represent God’s words. We should pursue them!

Next: Question 4: Even if Paul wasn’t perfect, the Lord wouldn’t remember his past transgressions. Paul worked and suffered for the Lord for many years; he paid a higher price than anyone else. His suffering must have earned the Lord’s praise. Brother Paul is still our exemplar! He is an example to all Christians. If Paul did not obtain God’s praise, then who can?

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