Chapter 13

In your current condition, you adhere excessively to the notions of the self, and there are quite grave religious disruptions within you. You are unable to act in spirit, you cannot grasp the work of the Holy Spirit, and you reject the new light. You cannot see the daytime sun because you are blind, you do not know people, you can never leave your “parents,” you lack spiritual discernment, you do not recognize the work of the Holy Spirit, and you have no idea how to eat and drink of My word. It is a problem that you do not know how to eat and drink of it on your own. The work of the Holy Spirit moves forward at an astounding speed day by day; there is new light every day, and there are also new and fresh things every day. However, you do not understand. Instead, you like to do research, you look at things through the lens of your personal preferences without carefully considering them, and you listen in a daze. You do not pray diligently in spirit, nor do you look to Me or ponder My words more. Thus, all that you have are words, rules, and doctrines. You must have a clear idea of how to eat and drink of My word, and you must bring My word before Me more frequently.

People these days are unable to let go of themselves; they always think they are right. They are stuck in their own little worlds, and they are not the right kind of person. They have wrong intentions and purposes, and if they persist in these things, then they will surely be judged, and, in serious cases, they will be eliminated. You must put more effort into maintaining continuous fellowship with Me, and not just fellowship with whomever you want. You must have an understanding of the people with whom you fellowship, and you must fellowship about spiritual matters in life; only then can you supply life to others and make up for their inadequacies. You should not talk to them in a lecturing tone; that is fundamentally the wrong position to have. In fellowship, you must have an understanding of spiritual matters, you must possess wisdom, and you must be able to understand what is in people’s hearts. If you are to serve others, then you must be the right kind of person, and you must fellowship with all that you have.

The crucial thing now is for you to be able to fellowship with Me, to communicate closely with Me, to eat and drink on your own, and to become close to God. You must come to understand spiritual matters as quickly as possible, and you must be able to clearly fathom your environment and what has been arranged in your surroundings. Are you capable of understanding what I am? It is crucial that you eat and drink based on what you lack, and live by My word! Recognize My hands, and do not complain. If you complain and break away, you may lose the opportunity to receive God’s grace. Start with drawing close to Me: What are you lacking, and how should you come close to Me and understand My heart? It is difficult for people to come close to Me, because they cannot let go of the self. Their dispositions are always unstable, constantly blowing hot and cold, and these people become conceited and self-satisfied the moment they get a little taste of sweetness. Some people have not yet awakened; how much of what you say embodies what you are? How much of it is self-defense, how much of it is mimicking others, and how much of it is following the rules? The reason you cannot grasp or understand the work of the Holy Spirit is that you do not know how to get close to Me. On the outside, you are always pondering things over, relying on the notions of the self and of your mind; you secretly research and engage in petty schemes, and you cannot even bring them out into the open. This shows that you do not truly understand the work of the Holy Spirit. If you genuinely know that something does not come from God, then why are you afraid to stand up and reject it? How many could stand up and speak for Me? You lack even the smallest part of strength of character possessed by the male child.

The purpose of everything that is arranged at present is to train you so that you may grow in your lives, to make your spirits keen and sharp, and to open your spiritual eyes so that you will recognize what things come from God. What comes from God enables you to serve with capability and burden, and to be steadfast in spirit. All things that do not come from Me are empty; they give you nothing, they cause a void in your spirit and make you lose your faith, and put distance between you and Me, trapping you in your own mind. You can now transcend everything in the secular world when you live in the spirit, but to live in your mind is to be taken in by Satan; this is a dead end. It is very simple now: Look upon Me with your heart, and your spirit will immediately grow strong. You will have a path to practice, and I will guide your every step. My word shall be revealed to you at all times and in all places. No matter where or when, or how adverse the environment is, I will make you see clearly, and My heart shall be revealed to you if you look to Me with yours; in this manner, you will run down the road ahead and never lose your way. Some people try to feel their way externally, yet never do so from within their spirits. They often cannot grasp the work of the Holy Spirit. When they fellowship with others, they just become more confused, having no path to follow and not knowing what to do. These people do not know what ails them; they may possess many things and be richly filled inside, but is that of any use? Do you really have a path to follow? Do you possess any illumination or enlightenment? Do you have any new insights? Have you made progress, or have you regressed? Can you keep up with the new light? You have no submission; the submission you often mention is nothing but talk. Have you lived out a submissive life?

How big is the obstacle posed by people’s self-righteousness, complacency, self-satisfaction, and arrogance? Who is to blame when you cannot enter reality? You should examine yourself carefully to see whether you are a correct person. Are your goals and intentions made with Me in mind? Are all your words and actions said and done in My presence? I examine all of your thoughts and ideas. Do you not feel guilty? You put on a false front for others to see and you calmly assume an air of self-righteousness; you do this to shield yourself. You do this to conceal your evil, and you even think up ways to push that evil onto someone else. What deceitfulness dwells in your heart! Think of everything you have said. Was it not for your own benefit that, afraid your soul would come to harm, you concealed Satan and then forcibly robbed your brothers and sisters of their eating and drinking? What do you have to say for yourself? Do you think that next time you will be able to make up for the eating and drinking that Satan has taken away this time? Thus, you now see it clearly; is this something for which you can compensate? Can you make up for the time lost? You must diligently examine yourselves to see why no eating and drinking was done in the past few meetings, and who caused this trouble. You must fellowship one by one until it is clear. If such a person is not strongly constrained, then your brothers and sisters will not understand, and then it will just happen again. Your spiritual eyes are closed; too many of you are blind! Moreover, those who do see are careless about it. They do not stand and speak up, and they, too, are blind. Those who see but do not speak up are mute. There are many here with handicaps.

Some people do not comprehend what the truth is, what the life is, and what the way is, and they do not understand the spirit. They consider My word as mere formula. This is much too rigid. They do not understand what genuine gratitude and praise are. Some people are unable to grasp the crucial and primary things; instead, they only grasp the secondary. What does it mean to disrupt God’s management? What does it mean to demolish the construction of the church? What does it mean to disrupt the work of the Holy Spirit? What is a lackey of Satan? These truths must be clearly understood, and not just vaguely glossed over. What caused there to be no eating and drinking this time? Some people feel that they should praise God out loud today, but how should they praise Him? Should they do so by singing hymns and dancing? Do other methods not count as praise? Some people come to meetings with the notion that jubilant praise is the way to praise God. People have these notions, and they do not pay attention to the work of the Holy Spirit; the end result of this is that disruptions still occur. There was no eating and drinking in this meeting; all of you say you are considerate of God’s burden and will defend the testimony of the church, but who among you has really been considerate of God’s burden? Ask yourself: Are you someone who has shown consideration for His burden? Can you practice righteousness for Him? Can you stand up and speak for Me? Can you steadfastly put the truth into practice? Are you bold enough to fight against all of Satan’s deeds? Would you be able to set your feelings aside and expose Satan for the sake of My truth? Can you allow My intentions to be satisfied in you? Have you offered up your heart in the most crucial of moments? Are you someone who follows My will? Ask yourself these questions, and think about them often. Satan’s gifts are inside of you, and you are to blame for that—for you do not understand people, and you fail to recognize Satan’s poison; you are leading yourself toward death. Satan has thoroughly misled you, to the point that you are completely bewildered; you are drunk on the wine of promiscuity, and you sway back and forth, unable to hold a firm viewpoint, and have no path for your practice. You do not eat and drink properly, you engage in wild fighting and quarreling, you do not know right from wrong, and you follow whoever leads. Do you possess any truth at all? Some people defend themselves and even engage in deception. They fellowship with others, but that just leads them to a dead end. Is it from Me that these people obtain their intentions, goals, motivations, and source? Do you think you can compensate your brothers and sisters for the fact that their eating and drinking was taken away? Find a few people to fellowship with, and ask them; let them speak for themselves: Have they been provided with anything? Or have their bellies been filled with dirty water and trash, leaving them without a path to follow? Would that not demolish the church? Where is the love among brothers and sisters? You secretly research who is right and who is wrong, but why do you not bear a burden for the church? Normally, you are good at yelling out catchphrases, but when things actually happen, you are uncertain about them. Some people understand but only murmur quietly, while others speak up what they understand but no one else says a word. They do not know what comes from God and what is the work of Satan. Where are your internal feelings about life? You simply cannot grasp the work of the Holy Spirit, nor do you recognize it, and you have a difficult time accepting new things. You only accept religious and secular things that conform to people’s notions. As a result, you fight wantonly. How many people can grasp the work of the Holy Spirit? How many have truly carried a burden for the church? Do you grasp it? Singing hymns is one way to praise God, but you do not clearly understand the truth of praising God. Moreover, you are rigid in the way you go about praising Him. Is that not a notion that you have? You always cling unrelentingly to your own notions, and you are unable to focus on what the Holy Spirit is going to do today, unable to feel what your brothers and sisters are feeling, and unable to quietly seek God’s intentions. You do things blindly; you may sing the songs well, but the result is a complete mess. Is that truly eating and drinking? Do you see who is actually causing the disruptions? You absolutely do not live in the spirit; rather, you hold on to various notions. How is that any way to carry a burden for the church? You must see that the work of the Holy Spirit is progressing even faster now. Are you not therefore blind if you are clutching tightly to your own notions and resisting the Holy Spirit’s work? Is that not akin to a fly’s banging into walls and buzzing around? If you persist in this manner, you will be cast aside.

Those who are made complete before the disaster are submissive to God. They live reliant on Christ, they bear witness to Him, and they exalt Him. They are the victorious male children and good soldiers of Christ. It is crucial now that you calm yourself, come close to God, and fellowship with Him. If you are unable to come close to God, you run the risk of being captured by Satan. If you can come close to Me and fellowship with Me, then all truths will be revealed to you, and you will have a standard by which to live and act. Because you are one who is close to Me, My word will never leave your side, nor will you ever stray from My word throughout your life; Satan will have no way to take advantage of you, and will instead be shamed and flee in defeat. If you look externally for what is missing inside you, you may at times find some of it, but much of what you find will be rules and things that you do not need. You must let go of yourself, eat and drink more of My words, and know how to ponder them. If you do not understand something, come close to Me and fellowship with Me frequently; in this way, the things you understand will be real and true. You must start by being close to Me. This is crucial! Otherwise, you will not know how to eat and drink. You cannot eat and drink by yourself; truly, your stature is too small.

Previous: Chapter 12

Next: Chapter 14

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