Chapter 33

My kingdom requires those who are honest, those who are not hypocritical or deceitful. Are not the sincere and honest people unpopular in the world? I am just the opposite. It is acceptable for the honest people to come to Me; I delight in this kind of person, and I also need this kind of person. This is precisely My righteousness. Some people are ignorant; they cannot feel the work of the Holy Spirit and they cannot grasp My intentions. They cannot clearly see the environment in which their family and their surroundings exist, and they do things blindly and lose many opportunities to attain grace. Time after time, they regret their actions and when they encounter a matter, they again cannot see it clearly. Sometimes they are able to rely on God to eke out a victory, but when they encounter the same kind of matter afterward, the old sickness recurs, and they cannot grasp My intentions. But I do not look at these things, and I do not remember your transgressions. Rather, I want to save you from this promiscuous land and allow you to renew your lives. I have pardoned you time after time. However, now is the most critical step. You cannot be confused anymore and cannot press forward like that anymore, in that stop-go way. When will you be able to arrive at the destination? You have to do your utmost to run toward the finish line without stopping. Do not slack off in the most critical time, move forward courageously, and a bountiful feast is before you. Quickly dress in your wedding garments and robes of righteousness, and attend the marriage supper of Christ; enjoy familial bliss for all eternity! No longer will you be depressed, sad and sighing as before. Everything of that time will have vanished like smoke and only the resurrected life of Christ will have power in you. Within you, there will be a temple purified by cleansing and washing, and the life of resurrection you have gained will dwell in you forever and ever!

Previous: Chapter 32

Next: Chapter 34

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